Opened 5 years ago
Closed 16 months ago
#1010 closed task (wontfix)
WebDAV issues with Windows
Reported by: | adminusername | Owned by: | |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | |
Component: | WebDAV | Version: | 8.4.1 |
Keywords: | Cc: |
WebDAV does not work at all with windows 10
The milton server doesn't work at all (http://localhost:8080/webdavb
The legacy webdav server (http://localhost:8080/webdav/store) allows you to connect, browse the document tree, download the files, create folder, rename folder, but fails when you try to upload a new file
Attachments (5)
Change History (16)
Changed 5 years ago by adminusername
Changed 5 years ago by adminusername
Changed 5 years ago by adminusername
comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by adminusername
The fix to the registry property for Windows 10 has been applied
comment:2 Changed 5 years ago by adminusername
I suspect it is something related to security, I tried to change the context-security.xml but without success
comment:3 Changed 5 years ago by admin
the issue is that Windows does not send the basic authentication header even fixing the registry
comment:4 Changed 5 years ago by admin
ok perhaps i found a solution, first of all you gave to change the registry property Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet?\Services\WebClient?\Parameters\BasicAuthLevel? = 2
Then restart the server.
Then connect a logical unit from a shell in this way: net use z: http://localhost:8080/webdavb
I double checked all the CRUD operations and it works propertly
comment:5 Changed 5 years ago by admin
- Milestone 8.4.2 deleted
- Resolution set to worksforme
- Status changed from new to closed
comment:6 Changed 5 years ago by adminusername
- Resolution worksforme deleted
- Status changed from closed to reopened
I confirm that on my system 8.4.1 webdavb does not work (Milton)
On my system I had already made the change to the windows registry.
comment:7 Changed 5 years ago by adminusername
- Milestone set to 8.4.2
comment:8 Changed 5 years ago by adminusername
Tested on another Windows 10 Professional against LD 8.3.3, on port 80, with the same result:
La cartella immessa non è valida. Scegline un'altra
The folder entered is not valid. Choose another one
comment:9 Changed 5 years ago by admin
it works in my system and i am about to close this issue, please see the videos:
If the Windows client tool is not enough, please go with a more reliable client like Webdrive
In any case this ticket cannot block the 8.4.2 so avoid to put it in the milestone
comment:10 Changed 5 years ago by admin
- Milestone 8.4.2 deleted
- Priority changed from major to minor
- Type changed from bug to task
comment:11 Changed 16 months ago by admin
- Resolution set to wontfix
- Status changed from reopened to closed
webdav log in /repository/logs