Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#696 Unable to log in if the password contains the euro currency symbol bug trivial User Interface
#174 Unable to search for source type car031 bug minor 6.3.4 Search Engine
#283 Unable to update preset attributes via WebSevices bug trivial 6.6.2 Web Services
#910 Unable to upload document until you click a file in the system bug major Core
#579 Unexisting paths not handled in getObjectByPath method bug minor 7.3 CMIS
#828 Update Extended properties to a set of file ignoring empty fields car031 improvement minor 7.7.3 User Interface
#605 Update GWT and SmartGWT task major 7.4.1 User Interface
#456 Update WebDAV API task minor 7.4.2 WebDAV
#802 Update document preview component improvement minor 7.7.1 Preview
#1128 Update how-to for Docker Blucecio task minor Core
#1149 Updated CXF to version 3.5.2 task minor 8.8.1 Web Services
#1026 Updated the indexing engine task major 8.5 Search Engine
#212 Upgrade CXF to the latest 2.5.x task minor 6.5 Web Services
#263 Upgrade Flexpaper to latest release task major 6.6 User Interface
#231 Upgrade GTW-upload to latest 0.6.4 task minor 6.6 User Interface
#227 Upgrade MSSQL driver jTDS task minor 6.5 Core
#1074 Upgrade MariaDB in Virtual Appliance task major Core
#771 Upgrade PDFjs car031 task minor 7.6.4 Preview
#229 Upgrade POI to the latest 3.8 task minor 6.6 Core
#443 Upgrade Solr to version 4.9 task minor 7.1 Core
#1218 Upgrade barcode recognition libraries task major 8.9 Barcode
#697 Upgrade document preview technology task minor 7.5.1 User Interface
#442 Upgrade text extractor for MS Office docs task minor 7.1 Core
#267 Upgrade to the latest User Interface technologies improvement minor 6.6.1 User Interface
#1217 Upgrade webservice framework task major 8.9 Web Services
#1243 Upgraded MS SQL driver to 12.6.0.jre11 task minor 8.9.1 Core
#1235 Upgraded MariaDB in the LD distro task minor 8.9 Installer
#310 Upload folders through DropSpot improvement minor 6.7.1 Import / Export
#321 Usabe tag cloud on Chrome improvement minor 6.7.2 User Interface
#498 Use MS Office to render the preview of docx, xlsx and pptx files(on Windows) improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#384 Use the same name of the file when opened with the option "Edit with Office" blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#1267 Use vectorial images for file icons improvement minor 9.0 User Interface
#1073 User avatars new feature minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#497 User can empty the trash can improvement trivial 7.1.3 User Interface
#257 User data type for extended attribute car031 improvement major 6.6 Core
#1143 User's personal signature new feature minor 8.8 Stamp
#447 Users can rename workspaces but Admin cannot bug minor 7.1 Core
#1118 Users with expiration date new feature minor 8.7.2 Core
#508 Using CMIS, extended properties of type "Decimal" are not transfered to the client bug minor 7.1.3 CMIS
#1053 Utility to enforce that files are stored in the right storage specified at folder level improvement minor 8.5.2 Core
#1017 Various improvements improvement minor Office Addin
#896 Version promotion improvement minor 8.1 Core
#1037 Versioned workflow schemes improvement major 8.5.1 Workflow
#1019 Versions tab empty when filename contains the ampersign bug minor 8.4.2 User Interface
#203 View history via webservices improvement minor 6.5 Web Services
#1205 View tickets new feature major 8.8.6 User Interface
#424 Viewing previous document versions crashes iPhone app fulger59 bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#864 Virtual Intelligent Agent (VIA) new feature major 8.0 Core
#1148 Visual composer of cron expressions improvement minor 8.8.1 User Interface
#957 Visual positioning of digital signatures new feature major 8.3.1 Digital Signature
#956 Visual positioning of stamps new feature major 8.3.1 Stamp
#309 Voting crashes LogicalDoc Outlook Add-in bug major 6.7.1 Outlook Addin
#831 Web Service for converting documents new feature minor 7.7.3 Web Services
#344 Web content(HTML) wysiywg editor new feature minor 6.8.1 User Interface
#1089 Web forms new feature major 8.7 Forms
#810 Web interface reacting on remote events (Server Push) new feature major 7.7.1 User Interface
#436 Web service for handling tenants new feature minor 7.0.1 Web Services
#761 Web service method to rate a document car031 new feature minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#759 Web service methods to add or manage the notes on documents car031 improvement minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#760 Web service to add and retrieve bookmarks to documents and folders car031 new feature minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#758 Web service to easily manage tags car031 new feature minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#230 Web setup broken at the final step bug major 6.5.1 Installer
#1051 WebDAV cache removed because of superseeded by other optimizations deprecation minor 8.5.2 WebDAV
#1189 WebDAVb not working bug minor WebDAV
#324 WebService method getAliases improvement minor 6.7.2 Web Services
#449 Webservice method to create links between documents car031 new feature minor 7.1.1 Core
#904 Webservice to apply stamps improvement minor 8.1.1 Web Services
#462 Webservice to interact with scheduled tasks new feature minor 7.1.1 Web Services
#245 Webservices API to interact with the Workflow car031 new feature minor 7.6 Web Services
#209 Webservices maximum hits limited to 1000 bug minor 6.5 Web Services
#1060 WebsocketTool: new tool to interact with the user interface from within the Automation improvement minor 8.6 Automation
#1151 Wider data range in the graphical year picker improvement trivial 8.8.1 User Interface
#408 Windows too small in Outlook addin wish minor Outlook Addin
#990 Wordpress bug blocker Wordpress
#155 Workflow - Dynamic task assignment based on metadata field new feature minor 6.6.1 Workflow
#154 Workflow - assign task to user groups improvement major 6.6 Workflow
#626 Workflow does not start from the beginning bug major 7.4.3 Workflow
#623 Workflow list filters and sorting resets on exiting a task bug minor 7.5.4 User Interface
#139 Workflow transition effects effects improvement major 6.4 Workflow
#256 Workflow trigger not fired bug minor 6.5.2 Workflow
#630 Workflow undeploy should warn that all active workflows will be deleted. new feature minor 7.4.3 Workflow
#998 Wrong checkouts when selecting multiple files bug minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#430 Wrong encoding of file names Blucecio bug minor Core
#248 Wrong error message when changing password car031 bug minor 6.5.2 User Interface
#278 Wrong pages order in preview bug minor 6.6.1 Core
#455 Wrong title for option for renaming of E-mail subject improvement trivial Outlook Addin
#1018 XSS Vulnerability bug major 8.4.2 Security
#706 Zoho integration Import/Export/Editing car031 new feature major 7.5.2 Zoho
#1012 Zonal OCR new feature major 8.4.2 Zonal OCR
#1068 Zonal barcode recognition improvement major 8.6 Barcode
#275 [Bulk update] add tag is not working car031 bug minor 6.6.1 User Interface
#1137 broken grid layout whens electing a record when filtering is active bug minor 8.8.1 User Interface
#1180 calculate total number of entries and total size of a folder's tree new feature minor 8.8.4 User Interface
#445 calendar events (remove when document is deleted) improvement minor Calendar
#929 chuncked downloads through SOAP API improvement minor 8.2.1 Web Services
#997 configurable delimiters for the worddelimiter search filter improvement minor 8.4.1 Search Engine
#1162 configurable list of allowed external commands improvement major 8.8.3 Security
#825 document.published is always =1 when using the SOAP API. LogicalDoc version v7.7 bug trivial 7.7.2 Web Services
#1123 exceed the dimensional limits of REST documentMetadata-setAttributeOptions improvement minor 8.8.5 Web Services
#250 export to zip issue bug major 6.5.2 Import / Export
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.