Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1284 PDF forms filling through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#1285 Persistent configuration of content security policies header improvement trivial 9.1 Core
#1286 Notify attendees about events cancelation improvement minor 9.1 Calendar
#1287 Removed the comparator that uses Workshare (Workshare has been retired from the market) deprecation major 9.1 Comparison
#1288 Added comparator that uses Litera improvement major 9.1 Comparison
#1289 History of searches improvement major 9.1 Reports
#1290 Additional methods in Audit Werbservice improvement major 9.1 Web Services
#1292 Edit with Office enabled even if the document is already checked out by another user bug minor 9.1 User Interface
#1294 QR code generation to render Folder and Document details and permalinks improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1295 Dropped support of Java17 deprecation major 9.1.1 Core
#1296 Added new Enterprise skin improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1297 Added converter that uses VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter improvement minor 9.1.1 Format Conversion
#1298 Display last note in Documents grid improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1299 Define the default type of users imported from SAML improvement minor 9.1.1 Single sign-on
#1300 Dynamically validate with Automaion the users authenticated with SAML improvement minor 9.1.1 Single sign-on
#1301 optional participants in calendar events improvement minor 9.1.1 Calendar
#1302 general parameter to specify the maximum number of documents inside the same folder improvement minor 9.1.1 Core
#192 Bad filename encoding during download with Safari bug trivial User Interface
#193 Attributes values not set in WSTemplate bug trivial Web Services
#226 Statistics not working after 6.4.2 update Blucecio bug minor Core
#674 Ability to select attachments for upload using Outlook addin enhancement minor Outlook Addin
#680 iPhone app issues creating Text File Bug major Mobile (iOS)
#681 iPhone app cannot upload Photo Bug major iPad and iPhone App
#694 Random Folder Selection - Office Addin Blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#696 Unable to log in if the password contains the euro currency symbol bug trivial User Interface
#699 Display a WARNING message when an office file is NOT saved Blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#708 Ability to insert images into a document via office addin wish major Office Addin
#709 Office Addin edit properties validation error bug major Office Addin
#710 Office Addin edit properties mandatory fields validated bug minor Office Addin
#714 Add symbol does not work on iPad in portrait mode bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#715 Confusing Interface on Plugin, Need the ability to change the title on upload Feature Request minor Outlook Addin
#723 500 Error bug trivial Core
#725 Index Merger task minor Core
#743 Cannot configure multiple instances in iphone app bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#744 Cannot view older document versions on iphone bug major iPad and iPhone App
#756 Quota Alert bug trivial Core
#784 Deleting a version of a document doesn't appear in trash bug minor User Interface
#808 urgent loading error Radwa bug blocker Core
#809 Order folders by position, then by name blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#813 feature request - outlook plugin - renaming attachments. blucecio new feature minor Outlook Addin
#823 Edit Properties in Office Addin does not display custom attributes correctly improvement major Office Addin
#834 Columns - File Name - not active task trivial User Interface
#852 LogicalDOC Android App: Bug on Ext. Properties - INTEGER bug trivial Android App
#862 Save Problem on Task Scheduling and Email Account import Blucecio bug minor User Interface
#881 Aggiungere il campo time all'autocomposizione del nome mail new feature trivial Outlook Addin
#882 office plugin / comment field improvement minor Office Addin
#894 problema metadati office addin adminusername bug minor Office Addin
#898 Deletion of user group data bug critical Authentication
#910 Unable to upload document until you click a file in the system bug major Core
#911 Access denied bug major Authentication
#915 Outlook Addin new message bug major Android App
#951 Issue with downloading and previewing documents bug critical Documentation
#987 LogicalDOC For Office Missing String Value In User Select improvement minor Office Addin
#988 Logicaldoc does not repond to web service bug minor User Interface
#990 Wordpress bug blocker Wordpress
#1016 Connection to databse lost bug major Core
#1017 Various improvements improvement minor Office Addin
#1022 multi-connection access via webdav client test minor WebDAV
#1030 LogicalDOC Android app issues bug major Android App
#1043 The Upload function does not work on Android App bug major Android App
#1069 Add android module to the Community edition bug minor Android App
#1074 Upgrade MariaDB in Virtual Appliance task major Core
#1083 Login error after the initial change password attempt bug major User Interface
#1124 Outlook addin server connection error task minor Outlook Addin
#1125 Link email and it's attachment improvement minor Outlook Addin
#1128 Update how-to for Docker Blucecio task minor Core
#1156 Switch to Tesseract 5.1 in Windows setup task minor Installer
#1168 Error 500 on Scheduled Tasks bug major User Interface
#1181 Outlook attach file issue bug minor Outlook Addin
#1187 Attachments in .eml (email file) can sometimes not be extracted bug minor Automation
#1189 WebDAVb not working bug minor WebDAV
#176 Access Denied foillowing upgrades to 6.3.4 bug blocker Core
#177 My document import client not working on v6.3.4 bug major Web Services
#178 Summaries for each document improvement trivial User Interface
#185 Content in Folders disappeared bug major User Interface
#216 Error in saving outgoing email bug minor Outlook Addin
#236 Folder creation from mobile devices improvement major Android App
#244 Bug in Personal Profile -> Welcome Screen wish trivial User Interface
#266 Optimize the requests of the Office Add-in improvement major Office Addin
#282 Download tiket in Outlook Addin blucecio74 new feature minor Outlook Addin
#296 Default message template deleted car031 bug minor Core
#347 Sync moves files to trash if locally modified bug major Sync
#348 Sync doesn't sync items restored from trash until they are modified bug major Sync
#349 Sync not syncing document changes made on server side bug major Sync
#353 Cannot create folder in iphone/ipad app bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#360 Language field in metadata editor should be a limited dropdown list Blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#362 Open-button grayed out on highlighted items improvement minor Office Addin
#363 Ability to lauch full text search by hitting "enter" key Blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#381 Error saving a new document in LogicalDOC Blucecio bug major Office Addin
#383 PB with french translation template mail after user creation bug trivial Core
#384 Use the same name of the file when opened with the option "Edit with Office" blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#390 Support for Zonal OCR car031 improvement major OCR
#395 Message explaining TMP file download when using "Edit with Office" improvement minor Office Addin
#404 Save file as major version using Office addin blucecio wish minor Office Addin
#408 Windows too small in Outlook addin wish minor Outlook Addin
#420 LogicalDOC mobile app doesn't work on IOS 7.1 fulger59 bug critical iPad and iPhone App
#422 Office & Outlook Addins install for all users improvement minor Office Addin
#423 Search bar at top of screen on iphone bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#424 Viewing previous document versions crashes iPhone app fulger59 bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#430 Wrong encoding of file names Blucecio bug minor Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.