Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1280 Configurable max number of versions to display improvement minor 9.1 User Interface
#1281 Move menu on Folder cannot be selected bug minor 9.1 User Interface
#1292 Edit with Office enabled even if the document is already checked out by another user bug minor 9.1 User Interface
#1294 QR code generation to render Folder and Document details and permalinks improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1296 Added new Enterprise skin improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1298 Display last note in Documents grid improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#177 My document import client not working on v6.3.4 bug major Web Services
#193 Attributes values not set in WSTemplate bug trivial Web Services
#202 Ability to add comment to document version via webservices improvement trivial 6.4.1 Web Services
#203 View history via webservices improvement minor 6.5 Web Services
#205 Retrieve version file using webservices improvement minor 6.4.1 Web Services
#206 Find a folder by path via WebServices improvement minor 6.5 Web Services
#209 Webservices maximum hits limited to 1000 bug minor 6.5 Web Services
#212 Upgrade CXF to the latest 2.5.x task minor 6.5 Web Services
#223 Audit Webservice new feature minor 6.5 Web Services
#245 Webservices API to interact with the Workflow car031 new feature minor 7.6 Web Services
#251 Error creating a document into a folder with Metadata Blucecio bug minor 6.5.2 Web Services
#253 Configurable timeout for webservice clients improvement trivial 6.6 Web Services
#269 Fulltext search broken in WebService bug minor 6.6.2 Web Services
#283 Unable to update preset attributes via WebSevices bug trivial 6.6.2 Web Services
#302 Histories listing in Audit webservice improvement minor 6.7.1 Web Services
#324 WebService method getAliases improvement minor 6.7.2 Web Services
#436 Web service for handling tenants new feature minor 7.0.1 Web Services
#462 Webservice to interact with scheduled tasks new feature minor 7.1.1 Web Services
#487 Impex web service new feature minor 7.1.2 Web Services
#676 REST implementation of web services new feature major 7.5 Web Services
#677 SOAP webservices refactoring improvement minor 7.5 Web Services
#738 Removed the deprecated webservice method DocumentService.list deprecation minor 7.6 Web Services
#739 Create download tickets with the webservice improvement minor 7.6 Web Services
#758 Web service to easily manage tags car031 new feature minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#759 Web service methods to add or manage the notes on documents car031 improvement minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#760 Web service to add and retrieve bookmarks to documents and folders car031 new feature minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#761 Web service method to rate a document car031 new feature minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#762 Delete a version of a file with SOAP API Blucecio improvement minor 7.6.4 Web Services
#825 document.published is always =1 when using the SOAP API. LogicalDoc version v7.7 bug trivial 7.7.2 Web Services
#831 Web Service for converting documents new feature minor 7.7.3 Web Services
#869 DocumentMetadata web service moved from Enterprise to Community task trivial 8.0 Web Services
#904 Webservice to apply stamps improvement minor 8.1.1 Web Services
#907 Create method findByPath in REST interface improvement minor 8.2 Web Services
#908 Order expression in EnterpriseSerarch improvement minor 8.2 Web Services
#909 Chunk uploads with webservices new feature minor 8.2 Web Services
#916 SQL queries through Webservices new feature minor 8.2 Web Services
#926 Removed path attribute of WSDocument task minor 8.2.1 Web Services
#929 chuncked downloads through SOAP API improvement minor 8.2.1 Web Services
#986 New webservice method WorkflowService.reassign improvement minor 8.4 Web Services
#1056 Implement enterprise search functions in REST mode improvement minor 8.6 Web Services
#1091 API calls counter new feature minor 8.7 Web Services
#1102 Implementation of copy method in Document web service improvement trivial 8.7.1 Web Services
#1123 exceed the dimensional limits of REST documentMetadata-setAttributeOptions improvement minor 8.8.5 Web Services
#1132 Changed the signature of webservice method FolderService.copy task trivial 8.7.3 Web Services
#1149 Updated CXF to version 3.5.2 task minor 8.8.1 Web Services
#1214 REST Document Move duplicate document instead bug minor 8.8.6 Web Services
#1217 Upgrade webservice framework task major 8.9 Web Services
#1258 Implemented merge method in the EnterpriseDocument webservice improvement minor 8.9.3 Web Services
#1259 Paginated listing of documents and folders improvement minor 8.9.3 Web Services
#1263 Improved statistics in the System webservice improvement minor 9.0 Web Services
#1270 Authentication with API Key new feature major 9.0 Web Services
#1279 Deprecated credantials authentication in Webservices in favor of the new API Key approrach deprecation major 9.0 Web Services
#1290 Additional methods in Audit Werbservice improvement major 9.1 Web Services
#235 Connection through WebDAV shows empty folder bug major 6.5.1 WebDAV
#456 Update WebDAV API task minor 7.4.2 WebDAV
#606 Deleting individual files via webdav dont go to trash bug minor 7.4 WebDAV
#614 Support for locking in WebDAV protocol improvement major 7.4.1 WebDAV
#747 Basic WebDAV implementation for clients like Windows new feature minor 7.6.1 WebDAV
#884 Optimized WebDAV performances improvement minor 8.0.1 WebDAV
#1022 multi-connection access via webdav client test minor WebDAV
#1051 WebDAV cache removed because of superseeded by other optimizations deprecation minor 8.5.2 WebDAV
#1189 WebDAVb not working bug minor WebDAV
#990 Wordpress bug blocker Wordpress
#139 Workflow transition effects effects improvement major 6.4 Workflow
#152 Metadata not stored if there is a Workflow trigger car031 bug minor 6.3.3 Workflow
#154 Workflow - assign task to user groups improvement major 6.6 Workflow
#155 Workflow - Dynamic task assignment based on metadata field new feature minor 6.6.1 Workflow
#171 Abort a running Workflow car031 improvement minor 6.3.4 Workflow
#186 Connection unlinked after scroll bug major 6.3.5 Workflow
#256 Workflow trigger not fired bug minor 6.5.2 Workflow
#272 Notify users at wotkfllow end car031 improvement minor 6.6.1 Workflow
#297 Delete workflow instances when the associated workflow template is deleted improvement minor 6.7 Workflow
#346 Execute scripts in workflow task object car031 new feature major 7.5.1 Workflow
#551 Duplicate tasks in 'tasks i can own' bug minor 7.2.1 Workflow
#571 Notifications not issued at workflow end bug minor 7.3 Workflow
#581 Interaction with the workflow from within e-mail new feature minor 7.3 Workflow
#622 See document name or custom ID in workflow dashboard lists improvement minor Workflow
#626 Workflow does not start from the beginning bug major 7.4.3 Workflow
#630 Workflow undeploy should warn that all active workflows will be deleted. new feature minor 7.4.3 Workflow
#693 Save event of Workflow Task Reassigned wish trivial 7.6 Workflow
#734 Notes on workflow tasks new feature minor 7.6 Workflow
#735 Tagging of workflow instances for better identification improvement minor 7.6 Workflow
#736 Improvements in the visualization and search of workflow histories improvement minor 7.6 Workflow
#737 Access to the workflow history from inside the workflow automation improvement minor 7.6 Workflow
#740 Remove workflow attached document improvement minor 7.6.1 Workflow
#750 Checkout/Checkin from Workflow dashboard improvement minor 7.6.3 Workflow
#753 CSV export workflow hitories improvement trivial 7.6.3 Workflow
#780 File format conversions inside the Workflow Automation new feature minor 7.7 Workflow
#835 Display the current instance's history to participants of the workflow improvement minor 7.7.3 Workflow
#849 Colored workflow status improvement minor 7.7.4 Workflow
#857 Graphical representation of the Workflow completion improvement major 7.7.5 Workflow
#947 Multiple workflow supervisors improvement minor 8.3 Workflow
#971 Customizable notification message per task improvement minor 8.3.3 Workflow
#983 Alert messages for supervisors with consolidated copies of the messages sent to the participants improvement minor 8.3.4 Workflow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.