Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#465 Simpler TagCloud 2D improvement trivial 7.1.1 User Interface
#432 Simplified look&feel improvement trivial 7.0.1 Core
#876 Single sign-on(SSO) via CAS new feature major 8.1 Authentication
#151 Size of "Move" dialogue box. car031 improvement minor 6.3.3 User Interface
#757 Social like rating mechanism for the documents improvement minor 7.6.3 Core
#136 Sometimes the upload doesn't work (documents do not appear) car031 bug minor 6.4 User Interface
#961 Sort date extended attribute in documents grid new feature minor 8.3.2 User Interface
#1233 Specific log and event to record tesource deletions from the storage improvement minor 8.9 Core
#1130 Specify new folder metadata when copying an existing one to a different location improvement minor 8.7.3 User Interface
#570 Stamp new feature major 7.3 Core
#654 Stamp Reversing bug major 7.4.3 Stamp
#631 Stamps only work on PDF documents bug minor 7.4.3 Stamp
#981 Stamps with HTML formatting improvement major 8.3.4 Stamp
#966 Start a workflow from automation improvement minor 8.3.2 Automation
#559 Start/Stop Publishing Dates Displayed in Different Format then Language bug minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#273 Statistical Graphs not coming due to error. car031 bug minor 6.6.1 User Interface
#226 Statistics not working after 6.4.2 update Blucecio bug minor Core
#968 Status icon to mark documents with links improvement minor 8.3.3 User Interface
#899 Strange characters in form bug minor 8.1.1 Forms
#224 Subscriptions and Notifications support new feature major 6.5 Android App
#1100 Subscriptions report improvement minor 8.7 Reports
#178 Summaries for each document improvement trivial User Interface
#337 Support DB instance definition at installation time when using SQL Server improvement minor 6.8 Installer
#853 Support Nuance Power PDF OCR engine improvement minor 8.1 OCR
#925 Support S3 storage through IAM Role improvement major 8.2.1 Storage
#1240 Support file uploads in web forms new feature minor 8.9.1 Forms
#1009 Support for .jfif image files improvement minor 8.4.2 Format Conversion
#805 Support for Cloud storage on Amazon S3 new feature major 7.7.1 Storage
#806 Support for Cloud storage on Microsoft Azure new feature major 7.7.1 Storage
#1269 Support for Java 17 will be dropped in a future release deprecation minor 9.0 Android App
#1219 Support for Java17 improvement minor 8.8.6 Core
#955 Support for Java8 will be dropped in the next version deprecation major 8.3.1 Core
#1268 Support for Markdown file format new feature minor 9.0 Format Conversion
#937 Support for SMB2 protocol (both import folder and storage) improvement major 8.2.2 Core
#938 Support for SMB3 protocol (both import folder and storage) improvement major 8.2.2 Core
#390 Support for Zonal OCR car031 improvement major OCR
#1006 Support for automation in Email Import new feature minor 8.4.1 Import / Export
#1021 Support for ePub, AZW3 and MOBI ebook files(indexing / preview) improvement minor 8.5 Core
#614 Support for locking in WebDAV protocol improvement major 7.4.1 WebDAV
#1096 Support for new Zoho authentication bug minor 8.7 Zoho
#814 Support for runviaservice option of DocToAnyConverter improvement minor 7.7.2 Format Conversion
#264 Support for the Swedish language improvement minor 6.6 Core
#871 Support for the polish language improvement minor 8.0 User Interface
#1221 Support heic image format improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1256 Support import emails from Microsoft 365 mail boxes improvement major 8.9.3 Import / Export
#1237 Support of CAS single-sign-on has been removed deprecation minor 8.9.1 Single sign-on
#1238 Support of Java11 has been removed deprecation major 8.9.1 Core
#1257 Support sending emails though Microsoft 365 improvement major 8.9.3 Core
#1063 Support the 2FA for permalinks improvement minor 8.6 Split
#1229 Support to Java11 will be removed in the next release deprecation major 8.9 Core
#1115 Support to protocol SMBv1 will be removed in the next release deprecation minor 8.7.1 Import / Export
#719 Supported charsets other than UTF-8 when importing zip files improvement minor 7.5.3 Core
#728 Swedish localization improvement minor 7.5.4 User Interface
#778 Switch to MS SQL Jdbc Drivers task minor 7.7 Core
#1156 Switch to Tesseract 5.1 in Windows setup task minor Installer
#482 Sync destroys file content when uploading/modifying via LogicalDOC Helpdesk bug critical Sync
#481 Sync does not update files that create temp working files when editing bug major Sync
#348 Sync doesn't sync items restored from trash until they are modified bug major Sync
#347 Sync moves files to trash if locally modified bug major Sync
#349 Sync not syncing document changes made on server side bug major Sync
#913 Syndication new feature major 8.2 Core
#1170 System-wide dictionary for Automation(variable $systemDictionary) improvement minor 8.8.4 Automation
#168 Tag entry issue car031 bug minor 6.3.4 User Interface
#371 Tag flow widget to define document's tags improvement trivial 6.8.1 User Interface
#438 TagCloud computation bug minor 7.1 Core
#735 Tagging of workflow instances for better identification improvement minor 7.6 Workflow
#138 Tags are taken over too soon during type in Blucecio bug major 6.3.3 User Interface
#1226 Template management ability to clone a template improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#576 Template: Cleanup orphaned preset options improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#397 Templates for composing emails improvement minor 7.6 User Interface
#211 Templates for email messages car031 new feature minor 6.5 Auditing
#811 Text area option for Extended Attributes improvement minor 7.7.1 User Interface
#1043 The Upload function does not work on Android App bug major Android App
#1004 The administrator can force the interface settings of a user and replicate the same to a selection of users improvement minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#954 The auto naming function does not work during checkin bug major 8.3.1 Core
#996 The calculation of documents tagged by word does not work admin bug minor 8.4 User Interface
#763 The quota mechanism does not work well bug major 7.6.3 Core
#434 Thumbnail always generated at 150px bug minor 7.0.1 Core
#702 Thumbnail and Pdf conversion for the .psd format improvement minor 7.5.2 Format Conversion
#703 Thumbnail, Pdf conversion, and indexing support for the .ai format(pdf compatibility option) improvement minor 7.5.2 Format Conversion
#426 Ticket Download, file names encoded IE 11 improvement minor 6.8.4 Core
#1173 Tile image for the folders new feature minor 8.8.4 User Interface
#1145 Time driven automation triggers improvement major 8.8 Automation
#373 Tomcat Application fails to stop bug minor 6.8.1 Core
#1094 Total number of imported docs by each Import Folder improvement minor 8.7 Import / Export
#145 Translation of the item confirmation move messages wish trivial 6.4 User Interface
#746 Traverse the document links in a tree improvement minor 7.6.1 User Interface
#1248 Trigger custom Automation script on task overdue improvement major 8.9.2 Workflow
#1194 Trigger the antivirus when updating metadata improvement minor 8.8.5 Security
#1064 Trust devices to skip second factor authentication improvement minor 8.6 Security
#830 Two Factors Authentication new feature major 7.7.3 Core
#1122 Two factors authentication through login key sent by email new feature minor 8.7.2 Authentication
#288 Two more sequences for CustomID: <folder_seq>, <folder_template_seq> improvement minor 6.6.2 Core
#342 US date format support in date editing widget improvement minor 6.8 User Interface
#403 Unable to add a Supervisor to a Workflow scheme bug trivial 6.8.3 User Interface
#293 Unable to add a new storage bug minor 6.7 Core
#817 Unable to assign users to new stamps bug major 7.7.2 Stamp
#661 Unable to configure Anonymous within a tenant bug minor 7.4.3 Core
#588 Unable to connect to the server blucecio bug minor Outlook Addin
#1045 Unable to delete some files bug minor 8.5.2 Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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