Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#811 Text area option for Extended Attributes improvement minor 7.7.1 User Interface
#815 Ability to change the interface density new feature minor 7.7.2 User Interface
#816 Configurable skin and CSS customization new feature major 7.7.2 User Interface
#818 Search on External Properties is not working Blucecio bug major 7.7.2 User Interface
#822 Add new flag to SMTP settings improvement major 7.7.2 User Interface
#828 Update Extended properties to a set of file ignoring empty fields car031 improvement minor 7.7.3 User Interface
#834 Columns - File Name - not active task trivial User Interface
#838 Display button in Indexing queue does not seem to be working bug minor 7.7.3 User Interface
#846 Details on a document give 404 bug minor 7.7.4 User Interface
#848 GUI performance degradation bug major 7.7.4 User Interface
#851 Control to change display page on large folder has problem bug major 7.7.5 User Interface
#862 Save Problem on Task Scheduling and Email Account import Blucecio bug minor User Interface
#868 Preview of P7M file format improvement minor 8.0 User Interface
#871 Support for the polish language improvement minor 8.0 User Interface
#872 Permalink to the specific document version improvement minor 8.0 User Interface
#873 Introduction of vectorial icons for a more professional interface improvement minor 8.0 User Interface
#886 Menu for Versions section improvement trivial 8.1 User Interface
#895 Folders tree pagination improvement major 8.2.1 User Interface
#897 Code completion in preset extended attributes car031 improvement minor 8.1.1 User Interface
#918 LDAP navigator(Java Webstart) is deprecated and no more available in the next release deprecation minor 8.2 User Interface
#919 Compare between two versions exits in error bug minor 8.2 User Interface
#921 Parametric search does handle properly the Template selector bug minor 8.2 User Interface
#922 Removed Java Webstart apps task minor 8.2.1 User Interface
#928 Preview of DICOM files improvement major 8.2.1 User Interface
#931 Ability to enable/disable language selector in the login form improvement trivial 8.2.1 User Interface
#942 Replaced actual DropSpot with pure HTML 5 implementation improvement major 8.3 User Interface
#949 Customizable dashlets new feature minor 8.3 User Interface
#950 Automation in welcome message improvement minor 8.3 User Interface
#961 Sort date extended attribute in documents grid new feature minor 8.3.2 User Interface
#967 Language metadata shown in documents grids improvement minor 8.3.3 User Interface
#968 Status icon to mark documents with links improvement minor 8.3.3 User Interface
#974 After changing the color of a folder Save button does not appear bug minor 8.3.4 User Interface
#977 Flag to enable/disable autocompletion of extended attribute fields improvement trivial 8.3.4 User Interface
#980 the 'move folder' function changes the name of the moved folder bug major 8.3.4 User Interface
#988 Logicaldoc does not repond to web service bug minor User Interface
#994 Configurable timeout for the popups improvement minor 8.4 User Interface
#996 The calculation of documents tagged by word does not work admin bug minor 8.4 User Interface
#998 Wrong checkouts when selecting multiple files bug minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#1003 Deleting annotations doesn't work bug minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#1004 The administrator can force the interface settings of a user and replicate the same to a selection of users improvement minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#1008 Save documents grid layout on a per folder basis improvement major 8.4.1 User Interface
#1013 Control labels of the preview are garbled, tangled bug minor 8.4.2 User Interface
#1019 Versions tab empty when filename contains the ampersign bug minor 8.4.2 User Interface
#1027 Copy the path of a folder improvement minor 8.5 User Interface
#1032 Display tags column in the documents grid improvement minor 8.5.1 User Interface
#1035 Customizable number of displayed history records improvement minor 8.5.1 User Interface
#1038 Nice popups to notify alerts improvement minor 8.5.1 User Interface
#1061 Custom Actions: customization of the document's and folder's context menu new feature minor 8.6 User Interface
#1062 Removed the External Call feature in favor of Custom Actions deprecation minor 8.6 User Interface
#1067 Redesign of main menu: search on the left, removed Personal menu, added Account menu improvement minor 8.6 User Interface
#1071 GUI Setting to Show / Hide the application banner improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1072 Display total pages number in the folders navigator cursor improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1073 User avatars new feature minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1075 Improved the quality of grids prints improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1076 Annotations of varous shapes (square, circle, arrow, line, label) improvement major 8.6.1 User Interface
#1079 Search for Boolean parameters not working bug minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1081 Improve the Search Folder form improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1083 Login error after the initial change password attempt bug major User Interface
#1090 Alert the user to stay on page when he closes the browser's window improvement minor 8.7 User Interface
#1092 Ability to update the right panels by pressing spacer on the keyboard improvement trivial 8.7 User Interface
#1095 Resize columns in a Dashlet improvement minor 8.7.1 User Interface
#1097 GUI setting to define default number of elements in Workflow Dashlets improvement trivial 8.7 User Interface
#1099 Prevent a user from selecting another file during metadata editing improvement trivial 8.7 User Interface
#1101 Flag to enable / disable avatars in the documents and search grid improvement trivial 8.7.1 User Interface
#1103 Automatic alert message to all connected users when shutting down from the GUI improvement trivial 8.7.1 User Interface
#1104 Option to notify users at checkin as during the creation improvement minor 8.7.1 User Interface
#1106 updated javascript preview engine improvement trivial 8.7.1 User Interface
#1107 Added color attribute to documents improvement minor 8.7.1 User Interface
#1109 Customizable display date format improvement minor 8.7.1 User Interface
#1129 Configurable columns set in dashlets of type Document and Document Event improvement major 8.7.3 User Interface
#1130 Specify new folder metadata when copying an existing one to a different location improvement minor 8.7.3 User Interface
#1134 Open in folder from Last Changes report improvement trivial 8.7.4 User Interface
#1137 broken grid layout whens electing a record when filtering is active bug minor 8.8.1 User Interface
#1139 Bulk update available in search screen improvement minor 8.7.4 User Interface
#1146 Ability to sort scheduled activities by name improvement major 8.8 User Interface
#1148 Visual composer of cron expressions improvement minor 8.8.1 User Interface
#1151 Wider data range in the graphical year picker improvement trivial 8.8.1 User Interface
#1152 floating buttons from date selector bug minor 8.8.1 User Interface
#1158 Dependant drop-down lists new feature minor 8.8.2 User Interface
#1168 Error 500 on Scheduled Tasks bug major User Interface
#1173 Tile image for the folders new feature minor 8.8.4 User Interface
#1180 calculate total number of entries and total size of a folder's tree new feature minor 8.8.4 User Interface
#1183 send by eMail as Download Ticket does not work bug major 8.8.4 User Interface
#1185 Multiple Emails on Pressing Approve Button Many Times bug minor 8.8.4 User Interface
#1192 password fields with show password button improvement minor 8.8.5 User Interface
#1193 Environment panel inside the administration new feature minor 8.8.5 User Interface
#1203 Miscellaneous improvements in the Last Changes report improvement minor 8.8.5 User Interface
#1205 View tickets new feature major 8.8.6 User Interface
#1206 Display trash size in the stats panel improvement minor 8.8.6 User Interface
#1211 Graphical representation of the system usage new feature minor 8.8.6 User Interface
#1212 Display current system usage statistics and historical usage new feature minor 8.8.6 User Interface
#1215 Digital signature error for signing documents bug major 8.8.6 User Interface
#1221 Support heic image format improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1224 Option to copy links and notes when a document is copied into another folder improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1226 Template management ability to clone a template improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1230 Display last login date and creation date in users list improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1234 Dashlet for bookmarks improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1236 Configurable Cache-Control header new feature minor 8.9 User Interface
#1245 Ability to sort documents in the grid by Template improvement minor 8.9.1 User Interface
#1267 Use vectorial images for file icons improvement minor 9.0 User Interface
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.