Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1274 removed completion date from calandar events (just start and end date to define the duration of an event) deprecation trivial 9.0 Calendar
#1275 Calendar events without attached documents improvement minor 9.0 Calendar
#1277 Integration with OnlyOffice for document editing new feature major 9.1 Google Drive
#1278 Fixed Dropbox sercurity issues bug minor 9.0 Dropbox
#1279 Deprecated credantials authentication in Webservices in favor of the new API Key approrach deprecation major 9.0 Web Services
#1280 Configurable max number of versions to display improvement minor 9.1 User Interface
#1281 Move menu on Folder cannot be selected bug minor 9.1 User Interface
#1282 Documents editing through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#1283 Format conversions through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Format Conversion
#1284 PDF forms filling through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#1285 Persistent configuration of content security policies header improvement trivial 9.1 Core
#1286 Notify attendees about events cancelation improvement minor 9.1 Calendar
#1287 Removed the comparator that uses Workshare (Workshare has been retired from the market) deprecation major 9.1 Comparison
#1288 Added comparator that uses Litera improvement major 9.1 Comparison
#1289 History of searches improvement major 9.1 Reports
#1290 Additional methods in Audit Werbservice improvement major 9.1 Web Services
#1292 Edit with Office enabled even if the document is already checked out by another user bug minor 9.1 User Interface
#1294 QR code generation to render Folder and Document details and permalinks improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1295 Dropped support of Java17 deprecation major 9.1.1 Core
#1296 Added new Enterprise skin improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1297 Added converter that uses VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter improvement minor 9.1.1 Format Conversion
#1298 Display last note in Documents grid improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1299 Define the default type of users imported from SAML improvement minor 9.1.1 Single sign-on
#1300 Dynamically validate with Automaion the users authenticated with SAML improvement minor 9.1.1 Single sign-on
#1301 optional participants in calendar events improvement minor 9.1.1 Calendar
#1302 general parameter to specify the maximum number of documents inside the same folder improvement minor 9.1.1 Core
#137 Enable the Czech language improvement minor 6.3.2 User Interface
#143 Remember view in folder pane improvement minor 6.3.3 User Interface
#145 Translation of the item confirmation move messages wish trivial 6.4 User Interface
#146 Multi Workspace new feature major 6.4 Core
#148 Events timestamp not correctly shown in Last Changes bug trivial 6.3.3 User Interface
#149 Digital signature must use the file version bug minor 6.3.3 Digital Signature
#154 Workflow - assign task to user groups improvement major 6.6 Workflow
#155 Workflow - Dynamic task assignment based on metadata field new feature minor 6.6.1 Workflow
#157 Option to copy folders improvement minor 7.1 User Interface
#158 Drop spot modifications improvement minor 6.3.4 User Interface
#161 Search in folder and sub-folders (more than one level) improvement major 6.3.3 Search Engine
#164 Ability to download multiple files at once improvement minor 6.3.4 User Interface
#166 Settings changes should take immediate effect improvement trivial 6.3.4 User Interface
#173 Direct import from LDAP and Active Directory improvement minor 6.4 LDAP / Active Directory
#176 Access Denied foillowing upgrades to 6.3.4 bug blocker Core
#177 My document import client not working on v6.3.4 bug major Web Services
#178 Summaries for each document improvement trivial User Interface
#179 Pdf generated correctly but not downloaded bug minor 6.3.5 Core
#180 Move folder name to beginning of tab/window title improvement minor 6.3.5 User Interface
#182 Change template's name improvement trivial 6.4.1 User Interface
#185 Content in Folders disappeared bug major User Interface
#186 Connection unlinked after scroll bug major 6.3.5 Workflow
#187 Brute force attack prevention new feature major 7.6.2 Core
#189 HTML formatting when sending documents in emails improvement minor 6.4 Core
#190 Indicate effective search depth improvement trivial 6.3.5 User Interface
#192 Bad filename encoding during download with Safari bug trivial User Interface
#193 Attributes values not set in WSTemplate bug trivial Web Services
#196 Clustering new feature major 6.5 Core
#197 Search suggestions improvement minor 6.5 Search Engine
#198 File Types in Version Pane improvement minor 6.4.1 User Interface
#202 Ability to add comment to document version via webservices improvement trivial 6.4.1 Web Services
#203 View history via webservices improvement minor 6.5 Web Services
#205 Retrieve version file using webservices improvement minor 6.4.1 Web Services
#206 Find a folder by path via WebServices improvement minor 6.5 Web Services
#207 Group policies not inherited bug trivial 6.4.1 User Interface
#208 Quota computation is too slow bug major 6.4.1 Core
#209 Webservices maximum hits limited to 1000 bug minor 6.5 Web Services
#212 Upgrade CXF to the latest 2.5.x task minor 6.5 Web Services
#215 replace commons logging with slf4j wish minor 6.5 Core
#216 Error in saving outgoing email bug minor Outlook Addin
#219 Option to import empty folders improvement minor 6.4.2 Import / Export
#221 Option to select a folder with code completion improvement minor 6.4.2 User Interface
#222 Lookup table for extended attribute options improvement minor 7.1 Core
#223 Audit Webservice new feature minor 6.5 Web Services
#224 Subscriptions and Notifications support new feature major 6.5 Android App
#227 Upgrade MSSQL driver jTDS task minor 6.5 Core
#228 Preview in Versions history improvement trivial 6.5 User Interface
#229 Upgrade POI to the latest 3.8 task minor 6.6 Core
#230 Web setup broken at the final step bug major 6.5.1 Installer
#231 Upgrade GTW-upload to latest 0.6.4 task minor 6.6 User Interface
#232 IndexOptimixer generates exceptions on the log bug minor 6.5.1 Search Engine
#233 Barcode processor exits with errors bug major 6.5.1 Barcode
#234 Profiled event notification new feature major 6.6 Auditing
#235 Connection through WebDAV shows empty folder bug major 6.5.1 WebDAV
#236 Folder creation from mobile devices improvement major Android App
#237 Implementation of the CMIS 1.0 AtomPub protocol new feature major 6.5.2 CMIS
#240 Restore of documents drag&drop improvement minor 6.5.1 User Interface
#242 HTTPS support in DropSpot and ScanApplet improvement major 6.5.1 Core
#244 Bug in Personal Profile -> Welcome Screen wish trivial User Interface
#247 Options 'case sensitive' and 'search for aliases' in parametric search bug minor 6.5.2 Core
#250 export to zip issue bug major 6.5.2 Import / Export
#253 Configurable timeout for webservice clients improvement trivial 6.6 Web Services
#254 Asynchronous folder's deletion improvement trivial 6.5.2 User Interface
#255 Customizable User Dashboard new feature major 6.6 User Interface
#256 Workflow trigger not fired bug minor 6.5.2 Workflow
#259 Error when opening a document alias bug minor 6.5.2 Office Addin
#260 Improved performance of massive folders deletions improvement minor 6.6 Core
#262 Non-admin users have problems accessing to webdav bug major 6.5.2 Core
#263 Upgrade Flexpaper to latest release task major 6.6 User Interface
#264 Support for the Swedish language improvement minor 6.6 Core
#266 Optimize the requests of the Office Add-in improvement major Office Addin
#267 Upgrade to the latest User Interface technologies improvement minor 6.6.1 User Interface
#269 Fulltext search broken in WebService bug minor 6.6.2 Web Services
#278 Wrong pages order in preview bug minor 6.6.1 Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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