Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#705 Exporting utility in Administration->Security->Users car031 improvement minor 7.5.2 User Interface
#706 Zoho integration Import/Export/Editing car031 new feature major 7.5.2 Zoho
#712 Introduction of print permission improvement minor 7.5.2 Core
#713 Compatibility with Firefox 48 improvement major 7.5.2 User Interface
#346 Execute scripts in workflow task object car031 new feature major 7.5.1 Workflow
#695 Direct link to the document does not work anymore Blucecio bug minor 7.5.1 User Interface
#697 Upgrade document preview technology task minor 7.5.1 User Interface
#698 Option to specify page ranges in the Stamp definition improvement minor 7.5.1 Stamp
#290 Folder alias car031 new feature major 7.5 Core
#625 Hiding Extended Properties that aren't used. improvement minor 7.5 User Interface
#664 Removed support for Internet Explorer 10 deprecation trivial 7.5 User Interface
#665 Optimization of tags handling for huge repositories enhancement minor 7.5 Core
#666 Preview of older document versions displays latest version only defect minor 7.5 User Interface
#671 Removed all Java Applets deprecation minor 7.5 User Interface
#676 REST implementation of web services new feature major 7.5 Web Services
#677 SOAP webservices refactoring improvement minor 7.5 Web Services
#678 Paste as PDF alias issues Bug trivial 7.5 Core
#685 Add "send to export archive" option to archived documents car031 improvement minor 7.5 User Interface
#686 Fatal Error with Database Cleaner Task car031 bug minor 7.5 Core
#687 Reusable custom attribute sets new feature major 7.5 Core
#688 Removed support for Java7 deprecation major 7.5 Core
#691 Add Documents Issue - '&' and '%' symbols fail bug trivial 7.5 User Interface
#525 Ability to set quota on workspaces car031 new feature major 7.4.3 Core
#626 Workflow does not start from the beginning bug major 7.4.3 Workflow
#629 Removed support for Internet Explorer 9 task minor 7.4.3 User Interface
#630 Workflow undeploy should warn that all active workflows will be deleted. new feature minor 7.4.3 Workflow
#631 Stamps only work on PDF documents bug minor 7.4.3 Stamp
#654 Stamp Reversing bug major 7.4.3 Stamp
#661 Unable to configure Anonymous within a tenant bug minor 7.4.3 Core
#367 Ability to send messages to groups of users new feature minor 7.4.2 Core
#456 Update WebDAV API task minor 7.4.2 WebDAV
#617 Auto naming on the basis of the document's metadata new feature minor 7.4.2 Core
#618 Auto folding on the basis of the document's metadata new feature major 7.4.2 Core
#619 Full HTML5 preview improvement major 7.4.2 User Interface
#620 Removed the support for Internet Explorer 8 deprecation trivial 7.4.2 User Interface
#444 Notification emails improvement minor 7.4.1 Calendar
#535 Display hostname on under System information improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#544 Option to generate download ticket link improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#547 Ability to work on multiple folders improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#565 Parametric Search - Aliases not returned bug minor 7.4.1 Core
#566 Calendar Entry Reoccurrence Limit improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#567 Bulk Checkout 'unlocks' documents bug minor 7.4.1 Core
#576 Template: Cleanup orphaned preset options improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#582 Gallery View Sort Order Change improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#587 Display glitch while scrolling parametric search results seoul04 bug minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#595 Possibility to append Signature on function send by email improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#598 Make forms externally available improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#600 Ability to have Template EXT Properties arranged in more than two columns improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#605 Update GWT and SmartGWT task major 7.4.1 User Interface
#608 Encryption of the Email Accounts password improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#611 HTML5 files uploader improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#612 Removed the embedded option for DropSpot deprecation trivial 7.4.1 User Interface
#613 Finnish localization improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#614 Support for locking in WebDAV protocol improvement major 7.4.1 WebDAV
#615 Dedicated web interface for Mobile devices new feature major 7.4.1 User Interface
#590 Easy the creation of folder improvement minor 7.4 User Interface
#592 Correctly handle non-latin chars when sending emails bug trivial 7.4 Core
#593 Download and execute update from within main application GUI new feature minor 7.4 Core
#594 Complete and Customizable Reporting system car031 new feature major 7.4 Core
#602 Sharecrawler password displayed in clear text in dms.log improvement minor 7.4 Core
#606 Deleting individual files via webdav dont go to trash bug minor 7.4 WebDAV
#558 ShareFile integration new feature minor 7.3 Core
#568 No history recorded for multiple document download improvement minor 7.3 Core
#570 Stamp new feature major 7.3 Core
#571 Notifications not issued at workflow end bug minor 7.3 Workflow
#574 Calendar Event History Tracking Issue - Alias Copy bug minor 7.3 Calendar
#575 Add Documents - "Immediate Indexing" failing bug minor 7.3 Core
#577 search criteria and search attributes of a saved search get lost after logout bug minor 7.3 Core
#578 Form Management new feature major 7.3 Core
#579 Unexisting paths not handled in getObjectByPath method bug minor 7.3 CMIS
#580 Scripting capabilities in notification messages improvement minor 7.3 Core
#581 Interaction with the workflow from within e-mail new feature minor 7.3 Workflow
#510 Ability to show/hide the history tab for certain users improvement minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#512 Option to ignore case of username on login doesn't work with External Auth bug minor 7.2.1 LDAP / Active Directory
#531 Inherit option not enabled by default for new folder creation wish minor 7.2.1 Core
#533 Encryption of the Import Folders password improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#548 Change timestamp to datetime in MySQL improvement trivial 7.2.1 Core
#549 Encoding issue during import from ZIP files bug minor 7.2.1 Core
#550 Add tenant information in tags improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#551 Duplicate tasks in 'tasks i can own' bug minor 7.2.1 Workflow
#552 Full support of the application for PostgreSQL improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#553 Deleted documents report improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#554 incorporation of multiple notifications in a single email improvement minor 7.2.1 Auditing
#557 Entry Prior to 1/1/1970 Limitation with Date Type for an Attribute in a Template bug minor 7.2.1 Core
#559 Start/Stop Publishing Dates Displayed in Different Format then Language bug minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#560 Metadata Preset Export/Import Issue bug minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#561 Make exit button more accessible Dominik Fakner improvement minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#499 Renaming Tags does not work bug minor 7.2 Core
#517 Count column reports zero for tags on search tab bug minor 7.2 Core
#518 Searching tags by clicking on the alphabetical characters is incorrect bug minor 7.2 Core
#522 Bulk update can modify locked documents metadata bug minor 7.2 Core
#527 Content annotations new feature major 7.2 Core
#537 Compare metadata does not display changes to tags bug minor 7.2 Core
#539 Preview of older document versions displays latest version only bug minor 7.2 Core
#541 Default max hits always 40 in tags search bug minor 7.2 User Interface
#542 Default max hits always 40 in tags search bug minor 7.2 User Interface
#543 Archiving capabilities new feature major 7.2 Core
#545 Configurable retention policies new feature major 7.2 Core
#379 Contents of window cut off in parametric search bug trivial 7.1.3 Core
#412 Context menu for dashboard records improvement minor 7.1.3 User Interface
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.