Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#319 Email contacts address book new feature major 6.8 Core
#261 Email subscriptions to all folder's tree car031 improvement major 6.6 Core
#503 Empty column "Type" bug trivial 7.1.3 Generic
#1191 Enable edit with Office in context menu on tab Append Documents in workflow improvement minor 8.8.5 Workflow
#137 Enable the Czech language improvement minor 6.3.2 User Interface
#940 Enable the call of automation routines inside CustomID/AutoNaming/AutoFolding schemes improvement minor 8.2.2 Automation
#549 Encoding issue during import from ZIP files bug minor 7.2.1 Core
#608 Encryption of the Email Accounts password improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#533 Encryption of the Import Folders password improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#1078 Enforce password history new feature minor 8.6.1 Security
#1159 Enforce password strength improvement minor 8.8.2 Core
#985 Enforce the verification of the mandatory fields during document form filling improvement minor 8.5 Forms
#557 Entry Prior to 1/1/1970 Limitation with Date Type for an Attribute in a Template bug minor 7.2.1 Core
#1193 Environment panel inside the administration new feature minor 8.8.5 User Interface
#433 Erroneus stats calculation after database cleaning bug trivial 7.0.1 Core
#1168 Error 500 on Scheduled Tasks bug major User Interface
#251 Error creating a document into a folder with Metadata Blucecio bug minor 6.5.2 Web Services
#1077 Error in CustomID generation on version promotion bug major 8.6.1 Core
#216 Error in saving outgoing email bug minor Outlook Addin
#368 Error message on date change in metadata editor Blucecio bug major 6.8.1 Office Addin
#381 Error saving a new document in LogicalDOC Blucecio bug major Office Addin
#334 Error sending internal message bug minor 6.8 User Interface
#312 Error uploading multiple files car031 bug minor 6.7.2 Core
#259 Error when opening a document alias bug minor 6.5.2 Office Addin
#148 Events timestamp not correctly shown in Last Changes bug trivial 6.3.3 User Interface
#153 Exception when downloading an alias car031 bug major 6.3.3 Core
#172 Exception when importing massive users from Active Directory car031 bug minor 6.3.4 LDAP / Active Directory
#633 Exclude certain file types from upload new feature minor User Interface
#346 Execute scripts in workflow task object car031 new feature major 7.5.1 Workflow
#493 Export to PDF should register in document history improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#705 Exporting utility in Administration->Security->Users car031 improvement minor 7.5.2 User Interface
#781 Ext.Properties Fields Autocomplete Suggestions improvement minor 7.7 User Interface
#1239 Extended Attributes of type Document improvement major 8.9.1 Core
#870 Extended ImportFolders feature to connect to FTP/FTPS/SFTP servers improvement major 8.0 Import / Export
#963 Extended attibutes with multiple values improvement major 8.3.2 Core
#239 Extended attributes in documents grid car031 improvement minor 6.5.1 User Interface
#1001 Extended attributes of type Folder improvement major 8.4.1 Core
#768 Extensible storer framework improvement major 7.6.4 Core
#300 External Call car031 new feature minor 6.7 User Interface
#335 FTP protocol support new feature major 6.8 Core
#686 Fatal Error with Database Cleaner Task car031 bug minor 7.5 Core
#417 Feature request: the "zip export" event should be recorded new feature minor 6.8.4 Core
#329 Feedback for uploading files for LogicalDOC improvement minor 6.7.3 User Interface
#198 File Types in Version Pane improvement minor 6.4.1 User Interface
#772 File format conversions new feature major 7.6.4 Core
#780 File format conversions inside the Workflow Automation new feature minor 7.7 Workflow
#538 Filing of emails whilst composing multiple emails blucecio bug minor Outlook Addin
#1161 Filters by date on full-text search are not considered bug minor 8.8.2 Search Engine
#206 Find a folder by path via WebServices improvement minor 6.5 Web Services
#613 Finnish localization improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#1160 Firewall policies for URL contents improvement minor 8.8.2 Security
#1278 Fixed Dropbox sercurity issues bug minor 9.0 Dropbox
#1174 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47415 bug minor 8.8.4 Security
#1175 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47416 bug minor 8.8.4 Security
#1176 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47417 bug minor 8.8.4 Security
#1177 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47418 bug minor 8.8.4 Security
#1164 Flag to decide if the OCR must raise an error in case of empty extraction improvement minor 8.8.3 OCR
#1101 Flag to enable / disable avatars in the documents and search grid improvement trivial 8.7.1 User Interface
#977 Flag to enable/disable autocompletion of extended attribute fields improvement trivial 8.3.4 User Interface
#413 Folder Search should be case insentive improvement minor 6.8.3 User Interface
#290 Folder alias car031 new feature major 7.5 Core
#236 Folder creation from mobile devices improvement major Android App
#960 Folder filter in last changes report improvement minor 8.3.1 Reports
#327 Folder specification not used when searching for aliases bug minor 6.8 Core
#328 Folder specification not used when searching for aliases bug minor 6.7.3 Core
#425 FolderId Barcode Generator new feature trivial 6.8.4 Core
#895 Folders tree pagination improvement major 8.2.1 User Interface
#978 Force the user to change the password when the credentials are sent by email. improvement minor 8.3.4 Security
#578 Form Management new feature major 7.3 Core
#1283 Format conversions through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Format Conversion
#619 Full HTML5 preview improvement major 7.4.2 User Interface
#807 Full localization in romanian language improvement minor 7.7.1 User Interface
#552 Full support of the application for PostgreSQL improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#720 Fulltext Analyzer filters new feature minor 7.5.3 Core
#269 Fulltext search broken in WebService bug minor 6.6.2 Web Services
#1071 GUI Setting to Show / Hide the application banner improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#416 GUI localized in Vietnamese improvement minor 6.8.4 User Interface
#848 GUI performance degradation bug major 7.7.4 User Interface
#1097 GUI setting to define default number of elements in Workflow Dashlets improvement trivial 8.7 User Interface
#582 Gallery View Sort Order Change improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#1066 Geolocation of requests new feature major 8.6 Security
#470 German translation issue "Pseudonyme abrufen" improvement minor Core
#298 Google Docs integration and on-line editing new feature major 6.7 Google Drive
#857 Graphical representation of the Workflow completion improvement major 7.7.5 Workflow
#1211 Graphical representation of the system usage new feature minor 8.8.6 User Interface
#729 Greek localization new feature major 7.5.4 Core
#207 Group policies not inherited bug trivial 6.4.1 User Interface
#189 HTML formatting when sending documents in emails improvement minor 6.4 Core
#399 HTML support for message templates improvement minor 6.8.2 Core
#611 HTML5 files uploader improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#242 HTTPS support in DropSpot and ScanApplet improvement major 6.5.1 Core
#1105 Handle multiple calendar event reminders improvement minor 8.7.1 Calendar
#398 Handle template and extended attributes through CMIS interface bug minor 6.8.2 CMIS
#165 Have tab/page title show folder selected. car031 improvement minor 6.3.4 User Interface
#509 Hebrew localization improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#959 Hidden extensible attributes improvement minor 8.3.1 Core
#625 Hiding Extended Properties that aren't used. improvement minor 7.5 User Interface
#302 Histories listing in Audit webservice improvement minor 6.7.1 Web Services
#1289 History of searches improvement major 9.1 Reports
#1200 History tab in the Indexing panel improvement minor 8.8.5 Search Engine
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.