Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1042 Reduced time to shutdown of the Windows service improvement minor 8.5.1 Core
#1045 Unable to delete some files bug minor 8.5.2 Core
#1048 Configurable compression level in the storage configuration improvement minor 8.5.2 Core
#1052 Ability to apply the storage setting to the whole subtree improvement minor 8.5.2 Core
#1053 Utility to enforce that files are stored in the right storage specified at folder level improvement minor 8.5.2 Core
#1055 Customizable thumbnail generation improvement minor 8.6 Core
#1059 Option to save correctly sent emails as LogicalDOC's documents new feature minor 8.6 Core
#1074 Upgrade MariaDB in Virtual Appliance task major Core
#1077 Error in CustomID generation on version promotion bug major 8.6.1 Core
#1084 Oracle database does not support "as" for aliasing table names in from cluase bug trivial 8.6.1 Core
#1085 Document pages counter new feature minor 8.7 Core
#1108 Share contacts among users and groups new feature minor 8.7.1 Core
#1110 Preview and indexing of RAR v4 files improvement minor 8.7.1 Core
#1111 Preview and indexing of TAR files improvement minor 8.7.1 Core
#1112 Preview and indexing of GZ files improvement minor 8.7.1 Core
#1113 Preview and indexing of 7Z files improvement minor 8.7.1 Core
#1116 SMTP connection issues with Gmail bug minor 8.7.2 Core
#1117 Restrict the visibility of templates to certain users and groups improvement major 8.7.2 Core
#1118 Users with expiration date new feature minor 8.7.2 Core
#1120 Option to enforce the user's working time new feature major 8.7.2 Core
#1128 Update how-to for Docker Blucecio task minor Core
#1154 Customizable fields validation new feature major 8.8.1 Core
#1157 Customizable fields initialization new feature major 8.8.2 Core
#1159 Enforce password strength improvement minor 8.8.2 Core
#1171 Read-only extendend attributes improvement major 8.8.4 Core
#1195 new document history to tack indexation errors improvement minor 8.8.5 Core
#1213 Read confirmation on documents new feature major 8.8.6 Core
#1219 Support for Java17 improvement minor 8.8.6 Core
#1223 Label attribute for templates and attribute sets improvement minor 8.9 Core
#1225 Introduced inclusion / exclusion filters to index email attachments also improvement minor 8.9 Core
#1229 Support to Java11 will be removed in the next release deprecation major 8.9 Core
#1232 Aspect to enable write checks new feature minor 8.9 Core
#1233 Specific log and event to record tesource deletions from the storage improvement minor 8.9 Core
#1238 Support of Java11 has been removed deprecation major 8.9.1 Core
#1239 Extended Attributes of type Document improvement major 8.9.1 Core
#1243 Upgraded MS SQL driver to 12.6.0.jre11 task minor 8.9.1 Core
#1250 Customizable log levels new feature minor 8.9.2 Core
#1251 Multi-section forms improvement major 8.9.2 Core
#1253 Implementation of the PREVIEW permission new feature major 8.9.2 Core
#1257 Support sending emails though Microsoft 365 improvement major 8.9.3 Core
#1260 Option to permanently delete a selection of documents improvement minor 8.9.3 Core
#1261 Permission to enable the editing of the Custom ID improvement minor 8.9.3 Core
#1264 Added support for Java 21 improvement major 9.0 Core
#1282 Documents editing through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#1284 PDF forms filling through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#1285 Persistent configuration of content security policies header improvement trivial 9.1 Core
#1295 Dropped support of Java17 deprecation major 9.1.1 Core
#1302 general parameter to specify the maximum number of documents inside the same folder improvement minor 9.1.1 Core
#1271 Sequence tokens for extended atributes values improvement minor 9.0 Custom ID and Naming
#1272 Sequence tokens for custom sequences improvement minor 9.0 Custom ID and Naming
#149 Digital signature must use the file version bug minor 6.3.3 Digital Signature
#707 PDF Signing new feature major 7.7.2 Digital Signature
#879 Record the reason for signing (compliance with medial standard 21CFR Part 11) improvement minor 8.1 Digital Signature
#905 SignTool to sign documents in automation scripts improvement minor 8.1.1 Digital Signature
#957 Visual positioning of digital signatures new feature major 8.3.1 Digital Signature
#958 Dropped the need of password for storing users certificates deprecation minor 8.3.1 Digital Signature
#1142 Customizable visualiation of digital signature improvement minor 8.8 Digital Signature
#1222 Allow users to upload their own digital signature certificate improvement minor 8.9 Digital Signature
#1255 Apply different digital signatures in the same signing session improvement minor 8.9.2 Digital Signature
#1024 Integration with DocuSign eSignature online service new feature major 8.5 DocuSign
#500 Add documentation regarding bulk update feature improvement minor Documentation
#951 Issue with downloading and previewing documents bug critical Documentation
#827 Compliance with new Dropbox API v2 improvement minor 7.7.3 Dropbox
#841 Dropbox authorization problem bug minor 7.7.3 Dropbox
#1278 Fixed Dropbox sercurity issues bug minor 9.0 Dropbox
#702 Thumbnail and Pdf conversion for the .psd format improvement minor 7.5.2 Format Conversion
#703 Thumbnail, Pdf conversion, and indexing support for the .ai format(pdf compatibility option) improvement minor 7.5.2 Format Conversion
#812 Option to disable specific format converters improvement trivial 7.7.1 Format Conversion
#814 Support for runviaservice option of DocToAnyConverter improvement minor 7.7.2 Format Conversion
#821 Preview problems with 7.1.1 PDF.js (CentOS Server, Windows Clients) bug major 7.7.2 Format Conversion
#927 Integration with CoolTool TotalImageConverter new feature minor 8.2.1 Format Conversion
#941 Integration of the remote conversion service Convertio improvement major 8.2.2 Format Conversion
#1009 Support for .jfif image files improvement minor 8.4.2 Format Conversion
#1201 PST files preview and indexing new feature minor 8.8.5 Format Conversion
#1268 Support for Markdown file format new feature minor 9.0 Format Conversion
#1283 Format conversions through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Format Conversion
#1297 Added converter that uses VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter improvement minor 9.1.1 Format Conversion
#899 Strange characters in form bug minor 8.1.1 Forms
#985 Enforce the verification of the mandatory fields during document form filling improvement minor 8.5 Forms
#1089 Web forms new feature major 8.7 Forms
#1197 Pre-filled link for Web Forms improvement minor 8.8.5 Forms
#1240 Support file uploads in web forms new feature minor 8.9.1 Forms
#502 Actions logging in history and reports bug minor 7.1.3 Generic
#503 Empty column "Type" bug trivial 7.1.3 Generic
#555 E-mail notification for backup success/failure new feature minor Generic
#878 Chat and Instant Messaging new feature major 8.0.1 Generic
#298 Google Docs integration and on-line editing new feature major 6.7 Google Drive
#305 Compliance with new GoogleDocs changes bug minor 6.7.1 Google Drive
#431 google documents integration, ... bug minor Google Drive
#1277 Integration with OnlyOffice for document editing new feature major 9.1 Google Drive
#219 Option to import empty folders improvement minor 6.4.2 Import / Export
#250 export to zip issue bug major 6.5.2 Import / Export
#291 Import folders: avoid duplicated entries and load lastModified and creation date car031 improvement major 6.6.2 Import / Export
#310 Upload folders through DropSpot improvement minor 6.7.1 Import / Export
#870 Extended ImportFolders feature to connect to FTP/FTPS/SFTP servers improvement major 8.0 Import / Export
#969 Ability to download all linked files in a single .zip archive improvement minor 8.3.3 Import / Export
#1006 Support for automation in Email Import new feature minor 8.4.1 Import / Export
#1093 history of processed entries in Import folders improvement minor 8.7.1 Import / Export
#1094 Total number of imported docs by each Import Folder improvement minor 8.7 Import / Export
#1115 Support to protocol SMBv1 will be removed in the next release deprecation minor 8.7.1 Import / Export
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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