Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#143 Remember view in folder pane improvement minor 6.3.3 User Interface
#345 Reload Button on Documents Browsing Bar wish trivial 6.8.2 User Interface
#471 Registration information can be modified by any browser to http://logicaldoc.installation/license.jsp bug major 7.1.1 Core
#382 Register the preview visualization as an event in the history improvement minor 6.8.2 Core
#1216 Refreshing the barcode queue doesn't work bug minor 8.8.6 Barcode
#1179 Reference existing docs from index.xml and index.csv of Import Folder to update metadata only improvement major 8.8.4 Import / Export
#343 Refactoring of the preview component task minor 6.8.1 Core
#1042 Reduced time to shutdown of the Windows service improvement minor 8.5.1 Core
#388 Redesigned login page improvement minor 6.8.2 User Interface
#1067 Redesign of main menu: search on the left, removed Personal menu, added Account menu improvement minor 8.6 User Interface
#1046 Recording of folder alias creations improvement minor 8.5.2 Auditing
#1247 Record the workflow overdue event improvement minor 8.9.2 Workflow
#879 Record the reason for signing (compliance with medial standard 21CFR Part 11) improvement minor 8.1 Digital Signature
#1196 Record OCR events new feature minor 8.8.5 OCR
#906 Read-only users new feature major 8.2 Core
#1171 Read-only extendend attributes improvement major 8.8.4 Core
#1213 Read confirmation on documents new feature major 8.8.6 Core
#694 Random Folder Selection - Office Addin Blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#936 RSS feeds on folder and documents have been removed task trivial 8.2.2 RSS
#935 RSS feeds are deprecated and no more available in future releases deprecation minor 8.2.1 RSS
#676 REST implementation of web services new feature major 7.5 Web Services
#1214 REST Document Move duplicate document instead bug minor 8.8.6 Web Services
#208 Quota computation is too slow bug major 6.4.1 Core
#756 Quota Alert bug trivial Core
#1294 QR code generation to render Folder and Document details and permalinks improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#995 Purging Documents deleted before a given date improvement minor 8.5 Core
#745 Protect documents with a password for an additional security level new feature major 7.6.1 Core
#976 Propagate database layer exceptions and let them to reach application layer improvement minor 8.3.4 Core
#1028 Programmatically merge more PDF files new feature minor 8.5.1 Core
#234 Profiled event notification new feature major 6.6 Auditing
#210 Print option available even if the user doesn't have download permission blucecio bug minor 6.4.1 User Interface
#270 Print a selection of documents into a single PDF car031 new feature minor 6.6.1 Core
#411 Preview shows the first page only bug major 6.8.3 User Interface
#821 Preview problems with 7.1.1 PDF.js (CentOS Server, Windows Clients) bug major 7.7.2 Format Conversion
#1000 Preview of zip files new feature minor 8.4.1 Preview
#912 Preview of signed Outlook messages improvement minor 8.2 Outlook Addin
#539 Preview of older document versions displays latest version only bug minor 7.2 Core
#666 Preview of older document versions displays latest version only defect minor 7.5 User Interface
#868 Preview of P7M file format improvement minor 8.0 User Interface
#928 Preview of DICOM files improvement major 8.2.1 User Interface
#732 Preview navigator(navigate the documents in prevew mode) improvement minor 7.6 User Interface
#228 Preview in Versions history improvement trivial 6.5 User Interface
#435 Preview in HTML5 improvement minor 7.0.1 User Interface
#1111 Preview and indexing of TAR files improvement minor 8.7.1 Core
#1110 Preview and indexing of RAR v4 files improvement minor 8.7.1 Core
#1112 Preview and indexing of GZ files improvement minor 8.7.1 Core
#1113 Preview and indexing of 7Z files improvement minor 8.7.1 Core
#446 Preview and PDF conversion for CAD drawings new feature major 7.1 Core
#1099 Prevent a user from selecting another file during metadata editing improvement trivial 8.7 User Interface
#1197 Pre-filled link for Web Forms improvement minor 8.8.5 Forms
#595 Possibility to append Signature on function send by email improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#372 Possibility to add new documents to existing Calendar Event improvement minor 6.8.1 Calendar
#795 Pluggable and configurable Format Convertsion System new feature major 7.7 Core
#1285 Persistent configuration of content security policies header improvement trivial 9.1 Core
#1261 Permission to enable the editing of the Custom ID improvement minor 8.9.3 Core
#170 Permanent Download Link car031 new feature minor 6.3.4 Core
#872 Permalink to the specific document version improvement minor 8.0 User Interface
#179 Pdf generated correctly but not downloaded bug minor 6.3.5 Core
#304 Pause cpu-intensive jobs if the CPU is overloaded new feature major 6.7.1 Core
#678 Paste as PDF alias issues Bug trivial 7.5 Core
#1126 Passing dynamic parameters to stamps improvement minor 8.7.3 Stamp
#1058 Parse PDF conversion in case a specific parser is not available improvement minor 8.6 Search Engine
#921 Parametric search does handle properly the Template selector bug minor 8.2 User Interface
#565 Parametric Search - Aliases not returned bug minor 7.4.1 Core
#924 Parallel indexing improvement major 8.2.1 Core
#519 Pagination based on current sorting improvement minor 7.6.1 User Interface
#1259 Paginated listing of documents and folders improvement minor 8.9.3 Web Services
#1201 PST files preview and indexing new feature minor 8.8.5 Format Conversion
#1284 PDF forms filling through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#991 PDF Splitting capabilities new feature major 8.4 Split
#707 PDF Signing new feature major 7.7.2 Digital Signature
#383 PB with french translation template mail after user creation bug trivial Core
#1181 Outlook attach file issue bug minor Outlook Addin
#1124 Outlook addin server connection error task minor Outlook Addin
#915 Outlook Addin new message bug major Android App
#809 Order folders by position, then by name blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#908 Order expression in EnterpriseSerarch improvement minor 8.2 Web Services
#1084 Oracle database does not support "as" for aliasing table names in from cluase bug trivial 8.6.1 Core
#247 Options 'case sensitive' and 'search for aliases' in parametric search bug minor 6.5.2 Core
#698 Option to specify page ranges in the Stamp definition improvement minor 7.5.1 Stamp
#221 Option to select a folder with code completion improvement minor 6.4.2 User Interface
#1059 Option to save correctly sent emails as LogicalDOC's documents new feature minor 8.6 Core
#829 Option to run LibreOffice as daemon or command line improvement minor 7.7.3 Preview
#1047 Option to require users to leave a note in order to complete a workflow task new feature minor 8.5.2 Workflow
#1207 Option to permanently disable a user when brute force attack has been detected improvement minor 8.8.6 Security
#1260 Option to permanently delete a selection of documents improvement minor 8.9.3 Core
#1104 Option to notify users at checkin as during the creation improvement minor 8.7.1 User Interface
#308 Option to inherit security policies from parent when creating a new folder new feature minor 6.7.1 Core
#219 Option to import empty folders improvement minor 6.4.2 Import / Export
#512 Option to ignore case of username on login doesn't work with External Auth bug minor 7.2.1 LDAP / Active Directory
#480 Option to ignore case of username on login new feature minor 7.1.2 Core
#544 Option to generate download ticket link improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#1014 Option to evaluate CustomID / Autofolding / Autonaming at update improvement minor 8.4.2 Core
#1120 Option to enforce the user's working time new feature major 8.7.2 Core
#989 Option to enable/disable CustomID replication during Syndication improvement minor 8.4 Syndication
#812 Option to disable specific format converters improvement trivial 7.7.1 Format Conversion
#722 Option to diable the automatic opening of the Default workspace new feature trivial 7.6 User Interface
#1163 Option to crop visible part of images before the OCR improvement minor 8.8.3 OCR
#1224 Option to copy links and notes when a document is copied into another folder improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#157 Option to copy folders improvement minor 7.1 User Interface
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.