Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1094 Total number of imported docs by each Import Folder improvement minor 8.7 Import / Export
#1096 Support for new Zoho authentication bug minor 8.7 Zoho
#1097 GUI setting to define default number of elements in Workflow Dashlets improvement trivial 8.7 User Interface
#1098 Security policies for Workflows improvement major 8.7 Security
#1099 Prevent a user from selecting another file during metadata editing improvement trivial 8.7 User Interface
#1100 Subscriptions report improvement minor 8.7 Reports
#1071 GUI Setting to Show / Hide the application banner improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1072 Display total pages number in the folders navigator cursor improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1073 User avatars new feature minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1075 Improved the quality of grids prints improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1076 Annotations of varous shapes (square, circle, arrow, line, label) improvement major 8.6.1 User Interface
#1077 Error in CustomID generation on version promotion bug major 8.6.1 Core
#1078 Enforce password history new feature minor 8.6.1 Security
#1079 Search for Boolean parameters not working bug minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1080 Share searches among users improvement minor 8.6.1 Search Engine
#1081 Improve the Search Folder form improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1084 Oracle database does not support "as" for aliasing table names in from cluase bug trivial 8.6.1 Core
#1055 Customizable thumbnail generation improvement minor 8.6 Core
#1056 Implement enterprise search functions in REST mode improvement minor 8.6 Web Services
#1058 Parse PDF conversion in case a specific parser is not available improvement minor 8.6 Search Engine
#1059 Option to save correctly sent emails as LogicalDOC's documents new feature minor 8.6 Core
#1060 WebsocketTool: new tool to interact with the user interface from within the Automation improvement minor 8.6 Automation
#1061 Custom Actions: customization of the document's and folder's context menu new feature minor 8.6 User Interface
#1062 Removed the External Call feature in favor of Custom Actions deprecation minor 8.6 User Interface
#1063 Support the 2FA for permalinks improvement minor 8.6 Split
#1064 Trust devices to skip second factor authentication improvement minor 8.6 Security
#1065 MD5 option for External Authentication removed from next release deprecation minor 8.6 LDAP / Active Directory
#1066 Geolocation of requests new feature major 8.6 Security
#1067 Redesign of main menu: search on the left, removed Personal menu, added Account menu improvement minor 8.6 User Interface
#1068 Zonal barcode recognition improvement major 8.6 Barcode
#1045 Unable to delete some files bug minor 8.5.2 Core
#1046 Recording of folder alias creations improvement minor 8.5.2 Auditing
#1047 Option to require users to leave a note in order to complete a workflow task new feature minor 8.5.2 Workflow
#1048 Configurable compression level in the storage configuration improvement minor 8.5.2 Core
#1051 WebDAV cache removed because of superseeded by other optimizations deprecation minor 8.5.2 WebDAV
#1052 Ability to apply the storage setting to the whole subtree improvement minor 8.5.2 Core
#1053 Utility to enforce that files are stored in the right storage specified at folder level improvement minor 8.5.2 Core
#1028 Programmatically merge more PDF files new feature minor 8.5.1 Core
#1031 Automation script triggered by workflow task completion improvement minor 8.5.1 Workflow
#1032 Display tags column in the documents grid improvement minor 8.5.1 User Interface
#1033 Merging capabilities from inside the Automation improvement minor 8.5.1 Automation
#1035 Customizable number of displayed history records improvement minor 8.5.1 User Interface
#1036 Additional FolderTool methods improvement trivial 8.5.1 Automation
#1037 Versioned workflow schemes improvement major 8.5.1 Workflow
#1038 Nice popups to notify alerts improvement minor 8.5.1 User Interface
#1039 Issues when number of folders in a subfolder is more than 1000 bug minor 8.5.1 Core
#1040 Compatibility with ShareFile API v3 improvement minor 8.5.1 ShareFile
#1041 Setup the storage to use at folder level improvement minor 8.5.1 Core
#1042 Reduced time to shutdown of the Windows service improvement minor 8.5.1 Core
#985 Enforce the verification of the mandatory fields during document form filling improvement minor 8.5 Forms
#995 Purging Documents deleted before a given date improvement minor 8.5 Core
#1021 Support for ePub, AZW3 and MOBI ebook files(indexing / preview) improvement minor 8.5 Core
#1024 Integration with DocuSign eSignature online service new feature major 8.5 DocuSign
#1026 Updated the indexing engine task major 8.5 Search Engine
#1027 Copy the path of a folder improvement minor 8.5 User Interface
#1009 Support for .jfif image files improvement minor 8.4.2 Format Conversion
#1012 Zonal OCR new feature major 8.4.2 Zonal OCR
#1013 Control labels of the preview are garbled, tangled bug minor 8.4.2 User Interface
#1014 Option to evaluate CustomID / Autofolding / Autonaming at update improvement minor 8.4.2 Core
#1015 Automation script to validate users before importing them from LDAP or AD improvement minor 8.4.2 LDAP / Active Directory
#1018 XSS Vulnerability bug major 8.4.2 Security
#1019 Versions tab empty when filename contains the ampersign bug minor 8.4.2 User Interface
#1020 Checkout and Lock does not work properly on alias (link) documents bug minor 8.4.2 Core
#997 configurable delimiters for the worddelimiter search filter improvement minor 8.4.1 Search Engine
#998 Wrong checkouts when selecting multiple files bug minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#999 support chinese chars in stamps improvement minor 8.4.1 Stamp
#1000 Preview of zip files new feature minor 8.4.1 Preview
#1001 Extended attributes of type Folder improvement major 8.4.1 Core
#1002 Automation Executor scheduled task to schedule the execution of an Automation procedure new feature minor 8.4.1 Automation
#1003 Deleting annotations doesn't work bug minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#1004 The administrator can force the interface settings of a user and replicate the same to a selection of users improvement minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#1005 Automation routines can be associated to a template in order to define input values improvement major 8.4.1 Automation
#1006 Support for automation in Email Import new feature minor 8.4.1 Import / Export
#1008 Save documents grid layout on a per folder basis improvement major 8.4.1 User Interface
#986 New webservice method WorkflowService.reassign improvement minor 8.4 Web Services
#989 Option to enable/disable CustomID replication during Syndication improvement minor 8.4 Syndication
#991 PDF Splitting capabilities new feature major 8.4 Split
#992 Maximum number of download criteria for Download Tickets improvement minor 8.4 Core
#993 Reports of current download tickets new feature minor 8.4 Reports
#994 Configurable timeout for the popups improvement minor 8.4 User Interface
#996 The calculation of documents tagged by word does not work admin bug minor 8.4 User Interface
#974 After changing the color of a folder Save button does not appear bug minor 8.3.4 User Interface
#975 Incorrect invalid email bug minor 8.3.4 Installer
#976 Propagate database layer exceptions and let them to reach application layer improvement minor 8.3.4 Core
#977 Flag to enable/disable autocompletion of extended attribute fields improvement trivial 8.3.4 User Interface
#978 Force the user to change the password when the credentials are sent by email. improvement minor 8.3.4 Security
#979 Ability to annotate in the body of any document improvement major 8.3.4 Core
#980 the 'move folder' function changes the name of the moved folder bug major 8.3.4 User Interface
#981 Stamps with HTML formatting improvement major 8.3.4 Stamp
#983 Alert messages for supervisors with consolidated copies of the messages sent to the participants improvement minor 8.3.4 Workflow
#984 Download tickets generated by the automation are not valid bug minor 8.3.4 Automation
#967 Language metadata shown in documents grids improvement minor 8.3.3 User Interface
#968 Status icon to mark documents with links improvement minor 8.3.3 User Interface
#969 Ability to download all linked files in a single .zip archive improvement minor 8.3.3 Import / Export
#970 Added method DocTool.getHistories(long docId, String event) improvement minor 8.3.3 Automation
#971 Customizable notification message per task improvement minor 8.3.3 Workflow
#972 Automation editor with code completion and graphical highlights improvement major 8.3.3 Automation
#973 Added methods $DocTool.lock() and $DocTool.unlock() improvement minor 8.3.3 Automation
#961 Sort date extended attribute in documents grid new feature minor 8.3.2 User Interface
#963 Extended attibutes with multiple values improvement major 8.3.2 Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.