Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1013 Control labels of the preview are garbled, tangled bug minor 8.4.2 User Interface
#851 Control to change display page on large folder has problem bug major 7.7.5 User Interface
#1027 Copy the path of a folder improvement minor 8.5 User Interface
#592 Correctly handle non-latin chars when sending emails bug trivial 7.4 Core
#517 Count column reports zero for tags on search tab bug minor 7.2 Core
#739 Create download tickets with the webservice improvement minor 7.6 Web Services
#907 Create method findByPath in REST interface improvement minor 8.2 Web Services
#889 Creation of BarcodeTool class to simplify barcode handling from inside the Automation improvement minor 8.1 Barcode
#303 Croatian language localization new feature minor 6.7.1 Core
#461 Cryptic error during installation bug minor Sync
#1061 Custom Actions: customization of the document's and folder's context menu new feature minor 8.6 User Interface
#1070 Custom Message Template for notification for subscription event improvement trivial 8.7.2 Auditing
#777 Custom reports in Excel format wish minor 7.7 Reports
#255 Customizable User Dashboard new feature major 6.6 User Interface
#726 Customizable assignment of storage repository to Worspace new feature major 7.6 Core
#949 Customizable dashlets new feature minor 8.3 User Interface
#1109 Customizable display date format improvement minor 8.7.1 User Interface
#1157 Customizable fields initialization new feature major 8.8.2 Core
#1154 Customizable fields validation new feature major 8.8.1 Core
#507 Customizable folders ordering improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#1250 Customizable log levels new feature minor 8.9.2 Core
#971 Customizable notification message per task improvement minor 8.3.3 Workflow
#1035 Customizable number of displayed history records improvement minor 8.5.1 User Interface
#1138 Customizable segments naming when splitting improvement minor 8.7.4 Split
#1055 Customizable thumbnail generation improvement minor 8.6 Core
#1142 Customizable visualiation of digital signature improvement minor 8.8 Digital Signature
#1252 Customizable workflow task validation at completion new feature major 8.9.2 Workflow
#1234 Dashlet for bookmarks improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#341 Date formatting for English-UK and english-AU improvement major 6.8 User Interface
#271 Decouple core API from WebServices API car031 task major 6.7 Core
#615 Dedicated web interface for Mobile devices new feature major 7.4.1 User Interface
#794 Deduplicate files new feature minor 7.7.2 Core
#220 Default document's detail tab car031 improvement trivial 6.4.2 User Interface
#541 Default max hits always 40 in tags search bug minor 7.2 User Interface
#542 Default max hits always 40 in tags search bug minor 7.2 User Interface
#296 Default message template deleted car031 bug minor Core
#540 Default tag added when editing properties blucecio bug minor Office Addin
#141 Default template and metadata for each Folder car031 new feature minor 6.4 Core
#1144 Define an automation routine in reaction to calendar event reminders improvement minor 8.8 Calendar
#1299 Define the default type of users imported from SAML improvement minor 9.1.1 Single sign-on
#762 Delete a version of a file with SOAP API Blucecio improvement minor 7.6.4 Web Services
#297 Delete workflow instances when the associated workflow template is deleted improvement minor 6.7 Workflow
#553 Deleted documents report improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#784 Deleting a version of a document doesn't appear in trash bug minor User Interface
#783 Deleting an version of a document recorded in history wish minor 7.7 Core
#1003 Deleting annotations doesn't work bug minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#606 Deleting individual files via webdav dont go to trash bug minor 7.4 WebDAV
#1184 Deletion of Alias deletes original document too bug minor 8.8.4 Android App
#898 Deletion of user group data bug critical Authentication
#1158 Dependant drop-down lists new feature minor 8.8.2 User Interface
#1279 Deprecated credantials authentication in Webservices in favor of the new API Key approrach deprecation major 9.0 Web Services
#964 Deprecated method DocTool.createPath(Document doc, String targetPath) in favour of createPath(Document doc, String targetPath, Strin username)) task minor 8.3.2 Automation
#846 Details on a document give 404 bug minor 7.7.4 User Interface
#724 Diagnosis task to check the repository consistency new feature minor 7.7 Core
#1215 Digital signature error for signing documents bug major 8.8.6 User Interface
#149 Digital signature must use the file version bug minor 6.3.3 Digital Signature
#173 Direct import from LDAP and Active Directory improvement minor 6.4 LDAP / Active Directory
#695 Direct link to the document does not work anymore Blucecio bug minor 7.5.1 User Interface
#1121 Disable users inactive after a configurable amount of days new feature minor 8.7.2 Security
#396 Disallow the upload of specific file extensions improvement minor 6.8.2 User Interface
#699 Display a WARNING message when an office file is NOT saved Blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#1169 Display a counter of imported emails improvement minor 8.8.4 Import / Export
#752 Display a heart icon to mark bookmarked documents improvement trivial 7.6.3 User Interface
#838 Display button in Indexing queue does not seem to be working bug minor 7.7.3 User Interface
#1212 Display current system usage statistics and historical usage new feature minor 8.8.6 User Interface
#587 Display glitch while scrolling parametric search results seoul04 bug minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#535 Display hostname on under System information improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#1230 Display last login date and creation date in users list improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1298 Display last note in Documents grid improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1032 Display tags column in the documents grid improvement minor 8.5.1 User Interface
#835 Display the current instance's history to participants of the workflow improvement minor 7.7.3 Workflow
#340 Display the folder from which security policies are inherited improvement minor 7.1 User Interface
#1072 Display total pages number in the folders navigator cursor improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1206 Display trash size in the stats panel improvement minor 8.8.6 User Interface
#1136 Distributed storage among the Cluster nodes new feature major 8.7.4 Clustering
#1085 Document pages counter new feature minor 8.7 Core
#869 DocumentMetadata web service moved from Enterprise to Community task trivial 8.0 Web Services
#1282 Documents editing through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#428 Documents gallery new feature minor 7.0 User Interface
#468 Documents grid pagination improvement minor 7.1.2 User Interface
#489 Double click to download documents in IE does not work bug minor 7.1.2 User Interface
#593 Download and execute update from within main application GUI new feature minor 7.4 Core
#799 Download the results of a search in just one click new feature minor 7.7 User Interface
#984 Download tickets generated by the automation are not valid bug minor 8.3.4 Automation
#282 Download tiket in Outlook Addin blucecio74 new feature minor Outlook Addin
#158 Drop spot modifications improvement minor 6.3.4 User Interface
#847 Drop support for 32bit systems deprecation major 7.7.4 Core
#841 Dropbox authorization problem bug minor 7.7.3 Dropbox
#429 Dropbox integration new feature major 7.0 Core
#1295 Dropped support of Java17 deprecation major 9.1.1 Core
#958 Dropped the need of password for storing users certificates deprecation minor 8.3.1 Digital Signature
#551 Duplicate tasks in 'tasks i can own' bug minor 7.2.1 Workflow
#786 Duplicates Report with Filter on Folder improvement minor 7.7 Reports
#1186 Duplication of backslashes when modifying SMB import folders bug minor 8.8.4 Import / Export
#1300 Dynamically validate with Automaion the users authenticated with SAML improvement minor 9.1.1 Single sign-on
#555 E-mail notification for backup success/failure new feature minor Generic
#472 EXT Properties for Read only user can provide save access to Properties tab Name and Description car031 bug minor 7.1.2 User Interface
#590 Easy the creation of folder improvement minor 7.4 User Interface
#823 Edit Properties in Office Addin does not display custom attributes correctly improvement major Office Addin
#1292 Edit with Office enabled even if the document is already checked out by another user bug minor 9.1 User Interface
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.