Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#388 Redesigned login page improvement minor 6.8.2 User Interface
#392 Import contacts from csv file improvement minor 7.0.1 Core
#395 Message explaining TMP file download when using "Edit with Office" improvement minor Office Addin
#396 Disallow the upload of specific file extensions improvement minor 6.8.2 User Interface
#397 Templates for composing emails improvement minor 7.6 User Interface
#398 Handle template and extended attributes through CMIS interface bug minor 6.8.2 CMIS
#399 HTML support for message templates improvement minor 6.8.2 Core
#404 Save file as major version using Office addin blucecio wish minor Office Addin
#408 Windows too small in Outlook addin wish minor Outlook Addin
#412 Context menu for dashboard records improvement minor 7.1.3 User Interface
#413 Folder Search should be case insentive improvement minor 6.8.3 User Interface
#414 Inherit Rights button to inherit rights from another folder improvement minor 7.1 User Interface
#416 GUI localized in Vietnamese improvement minor 6.8.4 User Interface
#417 Feature request: the "zip export" event should be recorded new feature minor 6.8.4 Core
#422 Office & Outlook Addins install for all users improvement minor Office Addin
#423 Search bar at top of screen on iphone bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#424 Viewing previous document versions crashes iPhone app fulger59 bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#426 Ticket Download, file names encoded IE 11 improvement minor 6.8.4 Core
#427 Ability to send documents from different email address new feature minor 7.6.1 Core
#428 Documents gallery new feature minor 7.0 User Interface
#430 Wrong encoding of file names Blucecio bug minor Core
#431 google documents integration, ... bug minor Google Drive
#434 Thumbnail always generated at 150px bug minor 7.0.1 Core
#435 Preview in HTML5 improvement minor 7.0.1 User Interface
#436 Web service for handling tenants new feature minor 7.0.1 Web Services
#438 TagCloud computation bug minor 7.1 Core
#440 parametric search (save/load) bug minor 7.1 Search Engine
#441 More details in the Notes dashlet improvement minor 7.1 User Interface
#442 Upgrade text extractor for MS Office docs task minor 7.1 Core
#443 Upgrade Solr to version 4.9 task minor 7.1 Core
#444 Notification emails improvement minor 7.4.1 Calendar
#445 calendar events (remove when document is deleted) improvement minor Calendar
#447 Users can rename workspaces but Admin cannot bug minor 7.1 Core
#449 Webservice method to create links between documents car031 new feature minor 7.1.1 Core
#452 Administrator able to subscribe users to folders notifications car031 improvement minor 7.1.3 User Interface
#453 Ask for setup password during installation improvement minor 7.1.2 Installer
#454 Compliance with Active Directory 2012 pagination bug minor 7.1.1 LDAP / Active Directory
#456 Update WebDAV API task minor 7.4.2 WebDAV
#461 Cryptic error during installation bug minor Sync
#462 Webservice to interact with scheduled tasks new feature minor 7.1.1 Web Services
#463 Complete turkish localization improvement minor 7.1.1 User Interface
#464 New preview tab in the document's detail panel improvement minor 7.1.1 User Interface
#466 Show thumbnail in the properties tab improvement minor 7.1.1 User Interface
#467 CSV import/export utility for Lookuptables on Attribute Templates new feature minor 7.1.2 User Interface
#468 Documents grid pagination improvement minor 7.1.2 User Interface
#470 German translation issue "Pseudonyme abrufen" improvement minor Core
#472 EXT Properties for Read only user can provide save access to Properties tab Name and Description car031 bug minor 7.1.2 User Interface
#479 Add Delete page option to scan applet car031 improvement minor 7.1.2 User Interface
#480 Option to ignore case of username on login new feature minor 7.1.2 Core
#486 Calendar Date Format in english US improvement minor 7.1.2 Calendar
#487 Impex web service new feature minor 7.1.2 Web Services
#488 Locked documents report new feature minor 7.1.2 Core
#489 Double click to download documents in IE does not work bug minor 7.1.2 User Interface
#490 Ability to edit calendar events from document's area panel improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#491 Add calendar actions to document history improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#493 Export to PDF should register in document history improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#498 Use MS Office to render the preview of docx, xlsx and pptx files(on Windows) improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#499 Renaming Tags does not work bug minor 7.2 Core
#500 Add documentation regarding bulk update feature improvement minor Documentation
#501 Bulk Checkout feature does not list documents correctly bug minor Core
#502 Actions logging in history and reports bug minor 7.1.3 Generic
#506 'Inherit security' option when applying a folder template improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#507 Customizable folders ordering improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#508 Using CMIS, extended properties of type "Decimal" are not transfered to the client bug minor 7.1.3 CMIS
#509 Hebrew localization improvement minor 7.1.3 Core
#510 Ability to show/hide the history tab for certain users improvement minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#512 Option to ignore case of username on login doesn't work with External Auth bug minor 7.2.1 LDAP / Active Directory
#514 Admin access to users trash improvement minor Core
#517 Count column reports zero for tags on search tab bug minor 7.2 Core
#518 Searching tags by clicking on the alphabetical characters is incorrect bug minor 7.2 Core
#519 Pagination based on current sorting improvement minor 7.6.1 User Interface
#522 Bulk update can modify locked documents metadata bug minor 7.2 Core
#528 OCR button doesn't work after update bug minor User Interface
#531 Inherit option not enabled by default for new folder creation wish minor 7.2.1 Core
#533 Encryption of the Import Folders password improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#534 LogicalDOC Office Launcher has stopped working Blucecio bug minor Office Addin
#535 Display hostname on under System information improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#537 Compare metadata does not display changes to tags bug minor 7.2 Core
#538 Filing of emails whilst composing multiple emails blucecio bug minor Outlook Addin
#539 Preview of older document versions displays latest version only bug minor 7.2 Core
#540 Default tag added when editing properties blucecio bug minor Office Addin
#541 Default max hits always 40 in tags search bug minor 7.2 User Interface
#542 Default max hits always 40 in tags search bug minor 7.2 User Interface
#544 Option to generate download ticket link improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#547 Ability to work on multiple folders improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#549 Encoding issue during import from ZIP files bug minor 7.2.1 Core
#550 Add tenant information in tags improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#551 Duplicate tasks in 'tasks i can own' bug minor 7.2.1 Workflow
#552 Full support of the application for PostgreSQL improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#553 Deleted documents report improvement minor 7.2.1 Core
#554 incorporation of multiple notifications in a single email improvement minor 7.2.1 Auditing
#555 E-mail notification for backup success/failure new feature minor Generic
#557 Entry Prior to 1/1/1970 Limitation with Date Type for an Attribute in a Template bug minor 7.2.1 Core
#558 ShareFile integration new feature minor 7.3 Core
#559 Start/Stop Publishing Dates Displayed in Different Format then Language bug minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#560 Metadata Preset Export/Import Issue bug minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#561 Make exit button more accessible Dominik Fakner improvement minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#562 iPad/iPhone app crashes when opening for the first time with no internet connection Blucecio bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#565 Parametric Search - Aliases not returned bug minor 7.4.1 Core
#566 Calendar Entry Reoccurrence Limit improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.