Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (901 - 926 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#598 Make forms externally available improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#600 Ability to have Template EXT Properties arranged in more than two columns improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#602 Sharecrawler password displayed in clear text in dms.log improvement minor 7.4 Core
#605 Update GWT and SmartGWT task major 7.4.1 User Interface
#606 Deleting individual files via webdav dont go to trash bug minor 7.4 WebDAV
#608 Encryption of the Email Accounts password improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#609 LogicalDOC service script doesn't work bug minor Core
#611 HTML5 files uploader improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#612 Removed the embedded option for DropSpot deprecation trivial 7.4.1 User Interface
#613 Finnish localization improvement minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#614 Support for locking in WebDAV protocol improvement major 7.4.1 WebDAV
#615 Dedicated web interface for Mobile devices new feature major 7.4.1 User Interface
#617 Auto naming on the basis of the document's metadata new feature minor 7.4.2 Core
#618 Auto folding on the basis of the document's metadata new feature major 7.4.2 Core
#619 Full HTML5 preview improvement major 7.4.2 User Interface
#620 Removed the support for Internet Explorer 8 deprecation trivial 7.4.2 User Interface
#621 Hot-Folder 1.4.3 can not connect to logicaldoc 7.4-7.4.1 bug major Core
#622 See document name or custom ID in workflow dashboard lists improvement minor Workflow
#623 Workflow list filters and sorting resets on exiting a task bug minor 7.5.4 User Interface
#625 Hiding Extended Properties that aren't used. improvement minor 7.5 User Interface
#626 Workflow does not start from the beginning bug major 7.4.3 Workflow
#629 Removed support for Internet Explorer 9 task minor 7.4.3 User Interface
#630 Workflow undeploy should warn that all active workflows will be deleted. new feature minor 7.4.3 Workflow
#631 Stamps only work on PDF documents bug minor 7.4.3 Stamp
#633 Exclude certain file types from upload new feature minor User Interface
#638 Ability to schedule execution of custom reports improvement minor 7.6 Reports
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.