Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (901 - 926 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#431 google documents integration, ... bug minor Google Drive
#445 calendar events (remove when document is deleted) improvement minor Calendar
#448 Search bar disappears in iphone app Blucecio bug major iPad and iPhone App
#455 Wrong title for option for renaming of E-mail subject improvement trivial Outlook Addin
#460 Check the ID of the remote folder bug major Sync
#461 Cryptic error during installation bug minor Sync
#470 German translation issue "Pseudonyme abrufen" improvement minor Core
#481 Sync does not update files that create temp working files when editing bug major Sync
#482 Sync destroys file content when uploading/modifying via LogicalDOC Helpdesk bug critical Sync
#500 Add documentation regarding bulk update feature improvement minor Documentation
#501 Bulk Checkout feature does not list documents correctly bug minor Core
#514 Admin access to users trash improvement minor Core
#528 OCR button doesn't work after update bug minor User Interface
#534 LogicalDOC Office Launcher has stopped working Blucecio bug minor Office Addin
#538 Filing of emails whilst composing multiple emails blucecio bug minor Outlook Addin
#540 Default tag added when editing properties blucecio bug minor Office Addin
#546 Ability to install updates of Addin on top of old version blucecio improvement major Office Addin
#555 E-mail notification for backup success/failure new feature minor Generic
#562 iPad/iPhone app crashes when opening for the first time with no internet connection Blucecio bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#588 Unable to connect to the server blucecio bug minor Outlook Addin
#589 New Stamps & Forms Buttons missing bug minor Core
#609 LogicalDOC service script doesn't work bug minor Core
#616 No program options appear for opening documents in iPad/iPhone App. Blucecio bug major iPad and iPhone App
#621 Hot-Folder 1.4.3 can not connect to logicaldoc 7.4-7.4.1 bug major Core
#622 See document name or custom ID in workflow dashboard lists improvement minor Workflow
#633 Exclude certain file types from upload new feature minor User Interface
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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