Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (901 - 926 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1031 Automation script triggered by workflow task completion improvement minor 8.5.1 Workflow
#1037 Versioned workflow schemes improvement major 8.5.1 Workflow
#1047 Option to require users to leave a note in order to complete a workflow task new feature minor 8.5.2 Workflow
#1087 Colored task names in workflow's dashboard improvement minor 8.7 Workflow
#1191 Enable edit with Office in context menu on tab Append Documents in workflow improvement minor 8.8.5 Workflow
#1208 Append documents to the Workdlow without passing through Clipboard improvement minor 8.8.6 Workflow
#1210 Color attribute on workflow improvement minor 8.8.6 Workflow
#1247 Record the workflow overdue event improvement minor 8.9.2 Workflow
#1248 Trigger custom Automation script on task overdue improvement major 8.9.2 Workflow
#1249 Constraint the user to input notes/comments when completing a task through specific transitions improvement major 8.9.2 Workflow
#1252 Customizable workflow task validation at completion new feature major 8.9.2 Workflow
#706 Zoho integration Import/Export/Editing car031 new feature major 7.5.2 Zoho
#1096 Support for new Zoho authentication bug minor 8.7 Zoho
#1012 Zonal OCR new feature major 8.4.2 Zonal OCR
#353 Cannot create folder in iphone/ipad app bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#420 LogicalDOC mobile app doesn't work on IOS 7.1 fulger59 bug critical iPad and iPhone App
#423 Search bar at top of screen on iphone bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#424 Viewing previous document versions crashes iPhone app fulger59 bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#448 Search bar disappears in iphone app Blucecio bug major iPad and iPhone App
#562 iPad/iPhone app crashes when opening for the first time with no internet connection Blucecio bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#616 No program options appear for opening documents in iPad/iPhone App. Blucecio bug major iPad and iPhone App
#681 iPhone app cannot upload Photo Bug major iPad and iPhone App
#714 Add symbol does not work on iPad in portrait mode bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#743 Cannot configure multiple instances in iphone app bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#744 Cannot view older document versions on iphone bug major iPad and iPhone App
#1147 Searching in the iOS app returns few results bug minor 8.8.1 iPad and iPhone App
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.