Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (901 - 926 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1252 Customizable workflow task validation at completion new feature major 8.9.2 Workflow
#1253 Implementation of the PREVIEW permission new feature major 8.9.2 Core
#1256 Support import emails from Microsoft 365 mail boxes improvement major 8.9.3 Import / Export
#1257 Support sending emails though Microsoft 365 improvement major 8.9.3 Core
#1264 Added support for Java 21 improvement major 9.0 Core
#1266 Integration of ChatGPT new feature major 9.0 Artificial Itelligence
#1270 Authentication with API Key new feature major 9.0 Web Services
#1273 Integration with Google Calendar new feature major 9.0 Calendar
#1277 Integration with OnlyOffice for document editing new feature major 9.1 Google Drive
#1279 Deprecated credantials authentication in Webservices in favor of the new API Key approrach deprecation major 9.0 Web Services
#1282 Documents editing through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#1283 Format conversions through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Format Conversion
#1284 PDF forms filling through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#1287 Removed the comparator that uses Workshare (Workshare has been retired from the market) deprecation major 9.1 Comparison
#1288 Added comparator that uses Litera improvement major 9.1 Comparison
#1289 History of searches improvement major 9.1 Reports
#1290 Additional methods in Audit Werbservice improvement major 9.1 Web Services
#1295 Dropped support of Java17 deprecation major 9.1.1 Core
#420 LogicalDOC mobile app doesn't work on IOS 7.1 fulger59 bug critical iPad and iPhone App
#482 Sync destroys file content when uploading/modifying via LogicalDOC Helpdesk bug critical Sync
#898 Deletion of user group data bug critical Authentication
#951 Issue with downloading and previewing documents bug critical Documentation
#1241 Security policies at document level new feature critical 8.9.1 Security
#176 Access Denied foillowing upgrades to 6.3.4 bug blocker Core
#808 urgent loading error Radwa bug blocker Core
#990 Wordpress bug blocker Wordpress
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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