Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1302 general parameter to specify the maximum number of documents inside the same folder improvement minor 9.1.1 Core
#1301 optional participants in calendar events improvement minor 9.1.1 Calendar
#1300 Dynamically validate with Automaion the users authenticated with SAML improvement minor 9.1.1 Single sign-on
#1299 Define the default type of users imported from SAML improvement minor 9.1.1 Single sign-on
#1298 Display last note in Documents grid improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1297 Added converter that uses VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter improvement minor 9.1.1 Format Conversion
#1296 Added new Enterprise skin improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1295 Dropped support of Java17 deprecation major 9.1.1 Core
#1294 QR code generation to render Folder and Document details and permalinks improvement minor 9.1.1 User Interface
#1292 Edit with Office enabled even if the document is already checked out by another user bug minor 9.1 User Interface
#1290 Additional methods in Audit Werbservice improvement major 9.1 Web Services
#1289 History of searches improvement major 9.1 Reports
#1288 Added comparator that uses Litera improvement major 9.1 Comparison
#1287 Removed the comparator that uses Workshare (Workshare has been retired from the market) deprecation major 9.1 Comparison
#1286 Notify attendees about events cancelation improvement minor 9.1 Calendar
#1285 Persistent configuration of content security policies header improvement trivial 9.1 Core
#1284 PDF forms filling through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#1283 Format conversions through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Format Conversion
#1282 Documents editing through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1 Core
#1281 Move menu on Folder cannot be selected bug minor 9.1 User Interface
#1280 Configurable max number of versions to display improvement minor 9.1 User Interface
#1279 Deprecated credantials authentication in Webservices in favor of the new API Key approrach deprecation major 9.0 Web Services
#1278 Fixed Dropbox sercurity issues bug minor 9.0 Dropbox
#1277 Integration with OnlyOffice for document editing new feature major 9.1 Google Drive
#1275 Calendar events without attached documents improvement minor 9.0 Calendar
#1274 removed completion date from calandar events (just start and end date to define the duration of an event) deprecation trivial 9.0 Calendar
#1273 Integration with Google Calendar new feature major 9.0 Calendar
#1272 Sequence tokens for custom sequences improvement minor 9.0 Custom ID and Naming
#1271 Sequence tokens for extended atributes values improvement minor 9.0 Custom ID and Naming
#1270 Authentication with API Key new feature major 9.0 Web Services
#1269 Support for Java 17 will be dropped in a future release deprecation minor 9.0 Android App
#1268 Support for Markdown file format new feature minor 9.0 Format Conversion
#1267 Use vectorial images for file icons improvement minor 9.0 User Interface
#1266 Integration of ChatGPT new feature major 9.0 Artificial Itelligence
#1264 Added support for Java 21 improvement major 9.0 Core
#1263 Improved statistics in the System webservice improvement minor 9.0 Web Services
#1262 Add notes on past versions of a document improvement minor 8.9.3 Annotations
#1261 Permission to enable the editing of the Custom ID improvement minor 8.9.3 Core
#1260 Option to permanently delete a selection of documents improvement minor 8.9.3 Core
#1259 Paginated listing of documents and folders improvement minor 8.9.3 Web Services
#1258 Implemented merge method in the EnterpriseDocument webservice improvement minor 8.9.3 Web Services
#1257 Support sending emails though Microsoft 365 improvement major 8.9.3 Core
#1256 Support import emails from Microsoft 365 mail boxes improvement major 8.9.3 Import / Export
#1255 Apply different digital signatures in the same signing session improvement minor 8.9.2 Digital Signature
#1254 Apply different stamps in the same stamping session improvement minor 8.9.2 Stamp
#1253 Implementation of the PREVIEW permission new feature major 8.9.2 Core
#1252 Customizable workflow task validation at completion new feature major 8.9.2 Workflow
#1251 Multi-section forms improvement major 8.9.2 Core
#1250 Customizable log levels new feature minor 8.9.2 Core
#1249 Constraint the user to input notes/comments when completing a task through specific transitions improvement major 8.9.2 Workflow
#1248 Trigger custom Automation script on task overdue improvement major 8.9.2 Workflow
#1247 Record the workflow overdue event improvement minor 8.9.2 Workflow
#1246 Implementation of SAML SLO (Single Log Out) improvement minor 8.9.2 Single sign-on
#1245 Ability to sort documents in the grid by Template improvement minor 8.9.1 User Interface
#1243 Upgraded MS SQL driver to 12.6.0.jre11 task minor 8.9.1 Core
#1242 Security policies to both users and groups on Stamps improvement minor 8.9.1 Stamp
#1241 Security policies at document level new feature critical 8.9.1 Security
#1240 Support file uploads in web forms new feature minor 8.9.1 Forms
#1239 Extended Attributes of type Document improvement major 8.9.1 Core
#1238 Support of Java11 has been removed deprecation major 8.9.1 Core
#1237 Support of CAS single-sign-on has been removed deprecation minor 8.9.1 Single sign-on
#1236 Configurable Cache-Control header new feature minor 8.9 User Interface
#1235 Upgraded MariaDB in the LD distro task minor 8.9 Installer
#1234 Dashlet for bookmarks improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1233 Specific log and event to record tesource deletions from the storage improvement minor 8.9 Core
#1232 Aspect to enable write checks new feature minor 8.9 Core
#1231 Removed the support to SMB v1 protocol deprecation minor 8.9 Import / Export
#1230 Display last login date and creation date in users list improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1229 Support to Java11 will be removed in the next release deprecation major 8.9 Core
#1228 CAS deprecated, it will be removed in the next release deprecation major 8.9 Security
#1227 Implemented single sign-on with SAML 2 new feature major 8.9 Security
#1226 Template management ability to clone a template improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1225 Introduced inclusion / exclusion filters to index email attachments also improvement minor 8.9 Core
#1224 Option to copy links and notes when a document is copied into another folder improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1223 Label attribute for templates and attribute sets improvement minor 8.9 Core
#1222 Allow users to upload their own digital signature certificate improvement minor 8.9 Digital Signature
#1221 Support heic image format improvement minor 8.9 User Interface
#1220 Send an alert when a possible brute force attack has been detected improvement minor 8.8.6 Security
#1219 Support for Java17 improvement minor 8.8.6 Core
#1218 Upgrade barcode recognition libraries task major 8.9 Barcode
#1217 Upgrade webservice framework task major 8.9 Web Services
#1216 Refreshing the barcode queue doesn't work bug minor 8.8.6 Barcode
#1215 Digital signature error for signing documents bug major 8.8.6 User Interface
#1214 REST Document Move duplicate document instead bug minor 8.8.6 Web Services
#1213 Read confirmation on documents new feature major 8.8.6 Core
#1212 Display current system usage statistics and historical usage new feature minor 8.8.6 User Interface
#1211 Graphical representation of the system usage new feature minor 8.8.6 User Interface
#1210 Color attribute on workflow improvement minor 8.8.6 Workflow
#1209 Security policies on automation routines improvement major 8.8.6 Automation
#1208 Append documents to the Workdlow without passing through Clipboard improvement minor 8.8.6 Workflow
#1207 Option to permanently disable a user when brute force attack has been detected improvement minor 8.8.6 Security
#1206 Display trash size in the stats panel improvement minor 8.8.6 User Interface
#1205 View tickets new feature major 8.8.6 User Interface
#1204 Removed already deprecated Advanced OCR engine deprecation trivial 8.8.5 OCR
#1203 Miscellaneous improvements in the Last Changes report improvement minor 8.8.5 User Interface
#1202 Chunked upload in CMIS improvement minor 8.8.5 CMIS
#1201 PST files preview and indexing new feature minor 8.8.5 Format Conversion
#1200 History tab in the Indexing panel improvement minor 8.8.5 Search Engine
#1199 Added $page variable in the stamp dictionary improvement minor 8.8.5 Stamp
#1198 Removed the implementation of the old Advanced OCR deprecation minor 8.8.5 OCR
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.