Custom Query (22 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#169 Permanent Download Link ca031 new feature minor 6.4 Core
#336 CIFS protocol implementation new feature major Core
#375 Optionally add watermarks to documents new feature minor Core
#380 The preview should also stored as an event improvement minor Core
#526 New tags limited to 20 characters improvement minor Core
#583 Thumbnail and Gallery preview scaling improvement minor Core
#683 Per user GUI setting for Document Tab new feature minor Core
#952 Issue with downloading and previewing documents bug major 8.3 Documentation
#800 option to publish version number in footer of generated PDFs new feature minor Format Conversion
#496 Adobe Acrobat Plug in wish minor Generic
#338 LDAP or ADFS Capability Chris task critical LDAP / Active Directory
#277 [Office/Outlook plugin] Choose metadata template on uploading new feature trivial Office Addin
#394 Message explaining TMP file download when using "Edit with Office" improvement major Office Addin
#402 Create Microsoft Office and Outlook Add-ins improvement minor Office Addin
#415 Uploading Outlook Attachments wish minor Outlook Addin
#156 Option to copy folders bug minor 6.3.3 User Interface
#159 Upload: documents appear twice (or three times) bug major 6.3.3 User Interface
#160 Typing in keywords: System accepts just few letters bug major User Interface
#495 On Double Click Action Within Browser Improvement Request improvement minor User Interface
#268 Decouple WebServices from the Core API task minor 6.7 Web Services
#569 Quota management and space occupied new feature minor Web Services
#692 Automatic workflow step wish minor Workflow
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.