Custom Query (11 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#763 The quota mechanism does not work well bug major Core 7.6.2
#750 Checkout/Checkin from Workflow dashboard improvement minor Workflow 7.6.1
#754 Report to list and restore deleted folders new feature minor User Interface 7.6.2
#755 Integrated editor for plain text files new feature minor User Interface 7.6.2
#757 Social like rating mechanism for the documents improvement minor Core 7.6.2
#758 Web service to easily manage tags car031 new feature minor Web Services 7.6.2
#759 Web service methods to add or manage the notes on documents car031 improvement minor Web Services 7.6.2
#760 Web service to add and retrieve bookmarks to documents and folders car031 new feature minor Web Services 7.6.2
#761 Web service method to rate a document car031 new feature minor Web Services 7.6.2
#752 Display a heart icon to mark bookmarked documents improvement trivial User Interface 7.6.2
#753 CSV export workflow hitories improvement trivial Workflow 7.6.2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.