Custom Query (8 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#531 Inherit option not enabled by default for new folder creation wish minor 7.1.3 10 years
#533 Encryption of the Import Folders password improvement minor 7.1.3 10 years
#549 Encoding issue during import from ZIP files bug minor 7.1.3 10 years
#550 Add tenant information in tags improvement minor 7.1.3 10 years
#552 Full support of the application for PostgreSQL improvement minor 7.2 10 years
#553 Deleted documents report improvement minor 7.2 10 years
#557 Entry Prior to 1/1/1970 Limitation with Date Type for an Attribute in a Template bug minor 7.2 10 years
#548 Change timestamp to datetime in MySQL improvement trivial 7.2 10 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.