Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#490 Ability to edit calendar events from document's area panel improvement minor 7.1.1 10 years
#491 Add calendar actions to document history improvement minor 7.1.1 10 years
#493 Export to PDF should register in document history improvement minor 7.1.1 10 years
#498 Use MS Office to render the preview of docx, xlsx and pptx files(on Windows) improvement minor 7.1.2 10 years
#506 'Inherit security' option when applying a folder template improvement minor 7.1.2 10 years
#507 Customizable folders ordering improvement minor 7.1.2 10 years
#509 Hebrew localization improvement minor 7.1.2 10 years
#379 Contents of window cut off in parametric search bug trivial 6.8 11 years
#505 'Inherit security' option when copying a folder improvement trivial 7.1.2 10 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.