Custom Query (1070 matches)


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Results (1 - 3 of 1070)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#801 invalid Installation package LogicalDoc sur qnap Alphacorp

utilisateur : admin et mot de passe : admin ne fonctionne pas. Message d'erreur : Login error

#317 invalid Folder Template creation doesn´t works Aruanan

Hi, All!

What is the maximum field size Folder Template?

This information does not exist and the field "TEMPLATE FOLDER" can´t contain folders structures like the following in the .txt file attached (criadirLogicalDOC-s9cg.txt).

Server error always occurs when click SAVE! The same is not true for smaller folders structures ((but I can´t tell you the maximum size allowed!).

After many... and many... and MANY!!! tests the only alternative I had was to separate and create new additional folders templates, but it doesn´t solve the problem as it is necessary.

Please, send me a correct solution quickly.

TKS. Aruanan

#137 fixed Enable the Czech language Blucecio

On the translation system of logicaldoc there is the complete translation of the GUI in Czech Language, it would be nice to have this language activable and documents in this language full-text searchable

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